Example sentences of "[Wh det] could [verb] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Now they will be scared rigid of stepping up and saying anything which could land them on the same mat upon which Lamb was so unfairly punished at Lord 's yesterday .
2 There 's something about this matter which could lead us to the gallows or on to the knife of some hired assassin .
3 We used to embrace the comfortable doctrine that the Roman cities of Britain survived as the shells of walled towns — with cathedrals often built within them in the seventh and eighth centuries , but little other semblance of civic life — until English towns were revived in the late ninth century by King Alfred , who enjoyed a vision of urban life which could owe nothing to the English civic scene in which he had been brought up .
4 If a government went back on this assurance there would be no IAEA safeguards which could do anything about the position .
5 But Hoey feels Anderson ( 31 ) , desperately unlucky to be left behind four years ago , has hit the sort of form which could thrust him into the reckoning .
6 Nine days after taking the drug at a friend 's 21st birthday party Rachel , 25 , still has vivid flashbacks which could haunt her for the rest of her life .
7 The objective of the Lausanne conference should be to encourage Kenya and its allies to emulate the conditions pertaining in the Kruger and Hwange national parks , where culling has become a necessity born out of successful conservation , rather than to encourage policies which could turn them into the run-down disaster zones Mr Leakey described .
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