Example sentences of "[Wh det] can be [vb pp] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This is a game which can be played in two ways depending whether you have younger or older children .
2 The only remedies which can be sought in private actions are private law remedies , that is declarations , injunctions , and damages .
3 One solution that can be used in such an emergency is a home made internal filter which can be made in any size for next to no outlay .
4 What happens to the other half , which can be kept in hard currency , is just as bad .
5 While general training serves to socialize the dog within the home and the community , there may be deviations from the usual pattern which can be rectified in this way .
6 In the field of clinical linguistics , there are many conditions which , it is often assumed , have similar causes and which can be treated in similar ways .
7 In recent years , significant developments in the preparation of fetal oocytes in man and the mouse by " microspreading " , have taken place , and because of the superior quality of the preparations and the vast improvement in detail which can be discerned in such spreads , all discussion regarding chromosome preparation at meiotic prophase in oogenesis will be deferred until later ( Section 4.3 ) .
8 We need to provide a range of starting points which can be developed in any language , and to consider introducing some pupils ' home languages .
9 The only other sounds which can be extended in this way are nasals , laterals and /r/ .
10 The coding of letters into the three categories should be a little flexible for letters such as f , i , and z which can be written in different ways , so a coding of ‘ a ’ was included to represent any zone .
11 — emphasis , which can be expressed in non-academic writing by italics , capitals or underlining .
12 It is governed by discoverable mechanical laws which can be expressed in mathematical and chemical formulae .
13 The bat community on Barro Colorado Island is perhaps the most complex assemblage of sympatric mammals anywhere in the world , comprising 35 species , which can be arranged in nine feeding ‘ guilds ’ , based on diet and mode of food gathering .
14 This is typical of pentatonic harmony , which can be manipulated in many ways to give either an archaic quality or a sense of modernity .
15 Philosophically , this implied recognition of the existence and power of such common pleasures could be Epicurean , or some other form of hedonism : that is , the holding of pleasure ( which can be obtained in various ways , including abstinence ) to be the greatest good .
16 This removable door rack , which can be fitted in two positions , allows food to be more easily checked or turned .
17 The particular cancer cell used in the experiment is the HeLa cell line which can be grown in large quantities in flasks .
18 DAIRY Crest has joined forces with Taylor Freezer to produce an iced yogurt , Piccolo , which can be stored in ambient conditions , and a soft-serve machine from which to serve it .
19 The database then brings an ascending list of basic percentage maximum loans to the screen , each of which can be viewed in more detail .
20 Ordering and receipt of materials for the school library is not normally a large part of the school librarian 's work but it can prove time-consuming and one advantage of having a microcomputerbased acquisitions package is that it will help to free the school librarian for other more curriculum-related work and will allow easy access to books and other items on order using a program which can be searched in various ways .
21 These patterns , each of which can be characterized in fractal terms , continue to change from step to step , unfolding a remarkable sequence , dynamic fractals .
22 In addition to research degrees ( PhD and MPhil ) , which can be undertaken in all departments , the Faculty offers a number of specialist one-year MSc Degrees and Diplomas , some of which are especially relevant to development in Third World countries .
23 They form spontaneously in the waters of our planet without the elaborate ‘ machinery ’ that DNA needs ; and they develop flaws spontaneously , some of which can be replicated in subsequent layers of crystal .
24 The protest of the human individual against the massive forces which control him is indeed a theme which can be seen in contemporary art , literature , music and drama , in the struggles against racialism , poverty and war , in the popular movements of Western youth and in the renewed campaign for women 's emancipation ; so we can hardly be surprised if parents too begin to question the authority of the experts .
25 The extreme realism in this tragic adventure ( realism , that is , in the sense of a deliberate emphasis on the unpleasant aspect of adventure ) constitutes a reaction against the essentially optimistic approach to violent events which can be seen in many other branches of adventure-story .
26 The most common organic manure these days is the spent marc , the residue of skins , pips and stalks amassed after the pressing process , which can be seen in purple-black piles by the roadside from November onwards .
27 The only details which can be seen in these blustery conditions are the two figures battling against the elements .
28 But the structure and functioning of grinding or chewing teeth in other mammals , in which opposing teeth co-operate in action , and which can be matched in extinct , unrelated mammals , is a much more subtle matter , involving detailed studies on the operation of living dental systems to help elucidate the functioning of fossil ones .
29 Mono pictures are previewed as ( jerky ) moving images which can be grabbed in real time .
30 The global system is most fruitfully conceptualized as a system that operates at three levels , knowledge about which can be organized in three spheres , namely the economic , the political and the cultural-ideological .
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