Example sentences of "[Wh det] can [verb] [conj] [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 You may be aware that there is a blood test which can tell if you have been infected with HIV , the virus that can cause AIDS .
2 Britain 's experience with chemical weapons shows what can happen if we fail to negotiate from a position of strength .
3 It 's hoped the video will be distributed around young drivers so they can see what can happen if they take to the road without thought for safety .
4 Again we have seen only too clearly in some other countries what can happen if you personify and almost deify the State .
5 A Post Office spokesman said : ‘ It shows what can happen if you do n't buy a licence . ’
6 Some months later I got a cheque for six hundred dollars — apparently a programme in America had done a feature on what can happen when you ask a stupid question and that was my fee for being included .
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