Example sentences of "[Wh det] will [be] [adj] to the " in BNC.

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1 The university has its own printing press , radio and TV studios with portable equipment and computers , some of which will be available to the conference .
2 The university has its own printing press , radio and TV studios with portable equipment and computers , some of which will be available to the conference .
3 Additionally , the cataloguer will be sure to make comparisons , which will be useful to the reader , for the format is one of the few in which a generous number of illustrations can be included .
4 We should be making available our experience of world affairs , which will be essential to the outward-looking Europe that we must create .
5 Some people do n't mind answering machines , I must say , I 'm beginning to get used to them now , I think the problem is that it sort of wrong-foots you , so you get an answering machine , and think ‘ Oh my God ’ , and you know that in about a few seconds time , when you hear that bleep , you 've got to give a concise message which will be intelligible to the person when they replay it , so instead of coming out with sort of babble , you 're forced into thinking what the essence of the message is that you want to leave .
6 when you 've got a budget for an oncoming year , assuming you and I are here together in November ninety three and we 're preparing a budget up till November ninety four , can you ever have precise figures which will be accurate to the last pound ?
7 It will be our object in this book to combine the insights from these approaches in a multilevel , multifunction view of style which will be applicable to the practical study of texts .
8 Bird Semple Fyfe Ireland has commissioned a piece of 4GL software which will be unique to the firm in the Scottish legal world and which allows it to produce any report required either for management purposes or for clients .
9 The problem is one which can not ultimately be resolved in pedagogy but it needs to be recognized , not in negative terms as a licence either for imposing fixed ideas or for random expediency , but as a positive incentive for continuing enquiry , which will be sensitive to the circumstances of different learning/teaching situations .
10 It is also intended to have a model railway exhibition running in the local St. Thomas ' Community College which will be open to the public for that weekend .
11 He says that Hereford needs some sort of scheme which will be sympathetic to the area 's enviromnent , but succeed in reducing traffic .
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