Example sentences of "[Wh det] were [verb] to [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Indonesia had no claim to any of the islands , which were believed to be rich in oil .
2 Their memorandum on US policy towards Indo-China recognized the possibility that without what it called ‘ a bolder political approach ’ the French — and the US — might well be heading into a debâcle which neither could afford ; but the drastic political measures which were reckoned to be necessary would have to be a matter for voluntary decision by the French government .
3 It began as a protest against the alleged peremptory nature of the decision by the NCB to close some working coal mines which were said to be uneconomic .
4 Earlier the court had been shown a quantity of bricks and stones some of which were said to be bloodstained , and a heavy iron bar .
5 Disillusion grew as the list of names which were destined to be graven into the monument at Alexandra Square slowly grew .
6 All schools could identify additional resources , ( for instance , computers , a music laboratory , enhanced INSET , staff ) that had been purchased and which were perceived to be available entirely as a result of devolution .
7 Relations improved with Egypt and Syria , while Yemen and Jordan , both of which were perceived to be sympathetic to Iraq [ see pp. 37728 ; 37927 ] , became increasingly marginalized ; in addition full diplomatic relations were re-established with the Soviet Union [ see below ] .
8 In general , the NCp7 mutants which were shown to be active in promoting NCp7:RNA interactions ( 6 ) ( dimerization and annealing of the primer tRNA to the PBS ) interacted effectively with HIV-1 DNA fragments , indicating that the same residues are involved .
9 The unity of the New Testament , the fact that it contains not every Christology , but only those which were judged to be faithful to the original testimony , reflect the origin of the gospel in the one unique person of Jesus ( Newbigin 1978:176 ) .
10 When Mandru was in residence , he commanded a performance at least once a day as part of his Ixmaritian devotions , which were rumoured to be half-hearted at best .
11 His decision stated he had made assumptions about the lease which were held to be incorrect , and those errors resulted in the premises being valued on a fundamentally wrong basis .
12 The species difference between animals and human beings can give rise to quite different reactions , as in the case of penicillin , digitalis , and aspirin , and with drugs which were thought to be safe after pre-clinical tests upon animals , such as thalidomide , clioquinol , osmosin , opren , and eraldin , the results were human death and tragedy .
13 Areas where the legislation was felt to be insufficiently strong included many rights which were considered to be beneficial in theory but ineffectual in practice .
14 For the second survey a sample of 1.7 million volumes was taken from a number of areas of the Library which were considered to be representative of the book collections as a whole .
15 Later , at nearby Snow Hill police station , he gave breath samples which were reported to be positive .
16 Links with parents and with associated schools — which were reported to be few and far between — could have been developed in this situation .
17 Yet it was undeniable that the Conservative political pressure to extend rural electrification had led to a diversion of scarce capital resources into investments which were known to be unremunerative and in fact turned out to be so .
18 With an ill-fated exuberance which only a government in its last stages could achieve , Lloyd George succeeded in assembling five nominations for peerages , four of which were alleged to be discreditable .
19 In the course of its report it made several suggestions as to reform of the law to increase the availability of credit by removing what were perceived to be legal handicaps : Specifically , the Banking Commission recommended changes in the law of security .
20 At some stage , however , Iran secured supplies of what were believed to be Soviet , originating missiles , possibly from Syria , to which the USSR had delivered such weapons .
21 The timing of the election was also influenced by disarray within the opposition Liberal-National Party coalition arising from what were considered to be ill-conceived policies regarding health care and labour relations , and continuing problems within the leadership .
22 Public utilities such as electricity , gas , water and telecommunications provided the best examples of what were considered to be natural monopolies , although when technological advances are made , certain industries formerly classed as natural monopolies may cease to be so ( eg telecommunications ) .
23 Henceforth unions could be fined very heavily for conducting what were deemed to be unlawful strikes : several of them were to suffer accordingly , starting with the National Graphical Association .
24 The use of files imposed limitations on the types of valid and reliable data that could be obtained ; data analysed represented a compromise between these limitations and what were thought to be useful indicators of the manner or style of assessment and service delivery .
25 More than one lost his head as a consequence of making what were alleged to be seditious or treacherous statements in the House of Commons .
26 Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk , who chaired the meeting , announced at a news conference that after several hours of what were reported to be stormy discussions , 20 documents had been signed , notably including an agreement defining the status of the strategic forces and stipulating that their commander was subordinate to the Council of Heads of State and to the C.-in-C. of the joint armed forces of the CIS .
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