Example sentences of "[Wh det] we can [verb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Physiological psychology presents a range of major methodological challenges , and how well we meet these challenges affects the ease with which we can interpret the experiments that we carry out .
2 There is another way in which we can inspect the growth of population , and that is by seeing it at work in all the various classes of society .
3 There is another way in which we can confirm the role played by climate and the carbon atom in the creation of organic life .
4 We see the provision of information from Visitor Centres at all of our sites as being one of the most significant ways in which we can make the information resources of the Garden available to the maximum number of people at reasonable cost .
5 The room itself is an object , with all its elements , carpets and hangings included , constituting an authentic whole , through which we can give a lesson in the development of style and taste .
6 ‘ Our well-paid spin-doctors must get off their backsides , Mr Chairman , and give us the tools with which we can finish the job . ’
7 It might be the opportunity of a world summit , or an earth summit , at which we can involve the public in Britain and throughout Europe in understanding that we have a common environment throughout the world .
8 Having established that body rhythms are a mixture of internal and external causes , we need to have some experimental means by which we can measure the contribution of each to the total rhythm .
9 What I have said that I would do is to consider what your Lordships have said to see if there is any way in which we can meet the problem .
10 Equally , My Lords it is very important that we should try and see if there are ways in which we can meet the anxieties of Noble Lords .
11 To this end he used a metaphor drawn from mathematics , the variable , to create " devices by which we can characterize the objects of empirical social investigation " .
12 Furthermore , with the exception of one sample ( N55 , for which we can offer no explanation ) , there is a strong correlation between γ Os and 206 Pb/ 204 Pb , suggesting a low- 206 Pb/ 204 Pb component similar to the source of group II kimberlites and some lamproites for which a SCLM origin is favoured .
13 Two figures occur in the open literature from which we can deduce the amount released in the radioactive cloud that crossed England and Wales and Western Europe .
14 We have no means of measuring the extent to which Anselm 's outlook may already have been changed by his experiences at the papal Curia , but there are two points at which we can observe an alteration in his language during and after his stay at Lyons .
15 The model described in the last section provides a framework within which we can examine the effect of the government on the long-run development of wealth-holding .
16 grant him every advantage which we can conceive a white to possess over the native ; concede that in the struggle for existence his chance of a long life will be much superior to that of the native chiefs ; yet from all these admissions , there does not follow the conclusion that , after a limited or unlimited number of generations , the inhabitants of the island will be white .
17 At the time of Nietzsche 's move to Basle , none of his major works were yet conceived , but it is the winter of this year , 1860–70 , to which we can trace the genesis of The Birth of Tragedy , his first .
18 It 's something which we can have the luxury of considering .
19 The second is the fact that we tend to make ourselves miserable by exploring the limits to which we can resist the temptation to go all the way .
20 He is my father , and our relationship has a past , a present and an anticipated future , all of which will affect the terms upon which we can consider a transfer of money without compromising our own personal identities , or the relationship between us .
21 One of the most welcome sights around Hailing which we can thank the Romans for are the pheasants , it is reckoned they were first introduced by them and were quickly established here in Kent .
22 Short-term memory is the phenomenon by which we can remember a telephone number long enough after looking it up to be able to dial it .
23 It has regular outbreaks , for which we can find no reason , of one particular disease .
24 And similarly we must not allow ourselves to look for something below that practice on which we can ground the feeling that the practice is going on in an objectively correct way .
25 What it represents I would suggest , is the desperate attempt to trim off the margin to find every single last way in which we can follow the government diktat whilst preserving our full services .
26 Lobbying workshops would be that combined , erm there is er , a one page journalist leaflet which we can order a pound for a hundred , that 's it , that 's all our journalist friends .
27 The romance of ardent feeling and eager endeavour never becomes cloying or sentimental because it is sustained by , included in , that movement in space and time which we can call the action of a story .
28 There is no determinate object , then , which we can call the meaning of this sentence .
29 " We 're waiting for news on what we can expect the market to be doing tomorrow .
30 We must do whatever we can to bring the murderer to justice , although realistically I do not think he will ever be found , ’ wrote Lt Col Stewart .
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