Example sentences of "[Wh det] they [modal v] have [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Being unexpectedly faced by samples of one or the other could convert some to forms of expression which they might have ignored for the rest of their lives .
2 Although Beckenham U.D.C. had powers to construct a tramway system , which they might have leased to the B.E.T. , and had built a power station in Churchfields Road , they now had second thoughts about tramways and were thinking in terms of permitting the B.E.T .
3 By contrast in Kufra people did acknowledge circumstances in which they might have to unite with their enemies ; in 1978 they did in fact do so .
4 As a result of central government policies , Islington social services suffered 8 per cent cuts in 1987/8 and all departments were asked to produce proposals for cuts of up to a further 25 per cent which they might have to achieve over the next two years .
5 Each of them might have engaged a separate average adjuster to advise him : had these not agreed , a dispute could have arisen between the parties which they might have submitted to arbitrationa somewhat unusual course in business of this kind .
6 Age Concern England receives thousands of enquiries a year about many of the problems which older people face and the changes which they may have to cope with .
7 It will frequently be necessary for it to know whether the employee was being advised at any material time and , if so , by whom ; of the extent of the advisers ' knowledge of the facts of the employee 's case ; and of the nature of any advice which they may have given to him .
8 something which they may have saved for themselves or perhaps by doing an odd job here and there , and working a day or two a week , which will not make too great demands on their strength , but will just keep the household going .
9 In such circumstances it is natural that Ministers should want to implement without undue delay policies for changes in the legal framework of the criminal law and for dealing with offenders which they may have espoused before coming to power .
10 That this can be done is borne out in practice , and it is sometimes noted that , in the course of treatment for some long-standing chronic condition , patients will re-experience old symptoms which they may have forgotten about .
11 Because of what has gone before , young people coming into residential care need security and a sense of belonging , neither of which they may have experienced in great measure before .
12 The tour was appropriately chaotic , as most rock tours are : their first taste of the twenty-four hour a day , day to day flogging to which they would have to submit in order to compete .
13 he had instead been cultivating his acquaintanceship with Mercer , a game plan that would have come to an abrupt end if the Lorrimores had deserted the trip , which they would have done at once if the Canadian had ploughed into their home-from-home .
14 But there is at least a hint in the Bill that in certain circumstances opted-out schools ( to be referred to as grant-maintained schools ) might receive extra funds from the DES : although in general such schools are to receive funding equivalent to that which they would have received from the LEA , Clause 67 ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) lay down that for certain ‘ special purposes ’ extra non-recurrent or recurrent grants may be forthcoming .
15 Listening to her talk about the make of corset she wore and the neckline shape that best suited her , speaking on these matters with the kind of solemnity they would only have brought to bear on the country 's economic situation or the future of the United Nations , they regarded her with the polite incomprehension with which they would have looked at a Martian .
16 The major field monuments , which are better documented , almost certainly provided the foci in the landscape , around which such subsistence settlements would have been placed and to which they would have looked for some specialised goods and services .
17 For example , someone who has just completed a questionnaire ( at T 1 ) on nutrition may have a response to a film on food additives different from that which they would have had in the absence of the questionnaire .
18 As we have seen , the establishment of NAB , with its very strong representation from the local authorities , creates a new environment for the polytechnics , and the colleges and institutes of higher education , to which they will have to adjust for some years to come .
19 Ahead of the Commission 's recommendations , the Law Society has taken steps to guarantee the competence of police station advice given by unqualified staff by producing a scheme which will provide comprehensive training for solicitor 's representatives , followed by a test which they will have to pass in order to continue to be paid for the work by the Legal Aid Board .
20 Adverse winds carried them not to Kintail , from which they could have got within a few miles of Inverness by water , but to the shores of Loch Alsh , a sea-water inlet separating the Isle of Skye from the south-west tip of Ross and Cromarty .
21 His way into the sport was typical of the drivers of his generation : not having any money of his own , and his parents being both unwilling and unable to finance a career on which they must have looked with some distaste , Hunt had to start where he could : in the event , with a stripped-down Mini in which he learned the rudiments of the sport .
22 Forgive others for what they may have done to you in the past ; and forgive yourself as well — you have probably learned much from your mistakes .
23 Now , however , the French , no matter what they might have thought of American rhetoric , could at least pretend that they took it seriously and that their actions were being taken in defence of ‘ the free world ’ .
24 Even allowing for what they would have lost on laundering the proceeds , there should have been a tidy sum .
25 Because of what they would have done to us . ’
26 ‘ Can you imagine what they would have done to anyone who spilled the beans ? ’
27 Piers asked Alyssia pleasantly , and she again felt as though they were both making an enormous effort to include her in what they would have preferred to be an intimate tête-à-tête .
28 Cuvier had reconstructed extinct mammals , but here the analogies with living elephants , bears and rhinoceroses were close enough for nobody to doubt what they must have looked like .
29 I wish I could give these women their time again , to take them to the hills and show them what they could have shared with their selfish husbands , show them how a ridge-walk compares to a coffee morning in a draughty church hall , and how they could have become more in tune with their spirit and feelings up here than stuck down there watching television soap operas .
30 One factor with which the Baghdad planners had failed to reckon seems to have been the contribution to an enemy 's performance of simple patriotism , the force which impels people to fight to defend their native soil against an invader , whatever they may have to say about the way things are run at home .
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