Example sentences of "[Wh det] they [verb] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well , as a chemist perhaps you 'll forgive me for dwelling largely on what we as chemists do , but of course it 's not only the chemists in the School of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences who do things for schools — it 's right across the area — but each year , for example , we have a week set aside for sixth form visits , in which parties of sixth formers come to the School and we 're about to talk to them about university entrance , about what goes on in universities , but , most importantly , to show them some of the apparatus which they do n't have at school but which they 've probably heard about .
2 ‘ Well , they investigated , and apparently it was quite easy , because it was a very distinctive typeface , which they 'd only used on one machine .
3 Indeed , the term ‘ dramatic statement ’ , to which they become quite attached as the book proceeds , perhaps takes us too firmly in the direction of propositional knowledge translated into dramatic coding .
4 These sums were separate from the 128,300 million yen which they had already confessed to paying between 1987 and 1990 , and which had been revealed in July 1991 [ see p. 38342 ] .
5 In November 1989 the 300 remaining squatters in Amsterdam were evicted , amid serious disturbances , from the buildings which they had illegally occupied for many years .
6 Only with the development of factions and the growth of the party system did it come about that monarchs found themselves confronted , in Cabinet , by Ministers presenting a united front on matters on which they had previously deliberated in the absence of the monarch .
7 Today they give us a meagre amount of the cash which they had previously taken off us in the form of grant cutbacks , ’ he said .
8 Pressure on Pérez increased on June 11 , when the main opposition Social-Christian Party ( COPEI ) withdrew Humberto Calderón Berti , the Foreign Affairs Minister , and José Ignacio Moreno León , a Minister of State who was president of the Venezuelan Fund for Investment , from the " national unity " Cabinet which they had both joined on March 10 [ see pp. 38809-10 ] .
9 Some archaeologists , irrespective of their scepticism over Ivan Koltsov 's announcement , have expressed concern that Pravda should have shown a map of the underground areas , and that Koltsov publicly described seeing local boys playing with ancient gold goblets which they had supposedly found in the underground passages .
10 Rufus had simply not known who he was , Shiva was sure of that , had not recognized him as one of the other two male members of the little community in which they had all lived in such contiguity for something like two months .
11 It was Karl Franz who led the charge of the Reiksguard at the battle of Norduin against the Bretonnians , where the Emperor 's personal valour finally broke the resistance of the Bretonnian flank guard and drove them from the narrow defile which they had defiantly held throughout the battle .
12 They had only a short time before followed the tantalising fresh scent-trail laid by Grant and Larsen , which they had then lost at the foot of the house wall .
13 The weather was fine and they were enjoying their walk when they came across the neglected remains of a large house which they had often seen in the distance from the pump-house .
14 In the case of the YCCC , the video workshop so inspired two of the members ( a husband and wife ) , that on returning to Yellow Creek they went out and bought a video which they have since used with great effect in their campaign .
15 The decision by Tesco and other groups campaigning to break the law to get their own way — which they have largely done as a result of the Government 's co-operation and collaboration — has made a serious dent in the turnover and profit of the stores that are already struggling .
16 He explains their shifts and duties , and gives them their copy of the document which they have already seen at their interview .
17 The directors , in the example given previously , can not retrospectively convert themselves into secured creditors in respect of moneys which they have previously advanced without demanding security .
18 British TV viewers will not pay more for a cable system just because one day it will be able to provide interactive services which they have never heard of , let alone want .
19 We saw earlier that , following the Neolithic Revolution , child-rearing regimes assumed an importance which they have never lost in all human cultures based on agriculture and more advanced modes of economic life .
20 Marielle , quiet spoken and nervy — though , curiously , it is she who brings a greater rhythmical stability to their playing , and who calls the expressiveness to order — talks about their new work , a jazz influenced concerto by Michel Camillo , which they have recently premiered with the Philharmonia Orchestra .
21 Employers , however , have welcomed the 1.5% pay curb , which they have long called for .
22 First , there is the early Marxist approach of Ian Taylor which emphasises that hooligan behaviour is a symbolic attempt by working-class fans to restore some control over a game which they feel increasingly alienated from .
23 The Divisional Court upheld the scheme adopted by the GLC but the ground on which they did so seemed to be no more than that ‘ since the LTE could exercise its function to balance its revenue account by a grant from the GLC , a policy that reduced fares by means of such a grant was not unlawful ’ .
24 It 's doing what they 've always done for 50 years .
25 Okay , definition of disability , what they 've actually got to be , to be able to claim is unable to perform any part of their normal occupation .
26 There have to be , there are particular reasons why er after revolutionary upheavals you very often get authoritarian forms of government and I would say in Russia and i i in a sense it 's linked with Harold 's question as well about erm the Chinese following a Stalinist model of economic reconstruction think what you 've actually got in Russia is not this sort of mass hankering after authoritarianism but you 've got a situation where the bureaucracy that controls a completely devastated , backward economy , which is what they 've actually got in the early nineteen twenties , where the working class democracy has just disappeared really with , with the , with the economic collapse , with the factories shutting down , with all of the old communist party militants going into the Red Army or getting sucked into the state bureaucracy with that sort of complete collapse really , economically and socially and politically , you 've got a situation where the central priority of the leadership is to build up Russian industry as quickly as possible so that Russia has got the armed forces it needs
27 Mr Beltrami would tell the jury that on several occasions during the past four years McGuinness had spoken to him in detail about his part in the Ayr murder ; and as he has a commanding presence and deep , authoritative voice , his evidence would have gone far to confirm in the minds of the jury what they had already heard from Mrs McGuinness .
28 The Literary Lionisers , or those who had survived the damp morning walk to Ramsgate along the sands ( in the steps of the great Dickens on his walk with Hans Christian Andersen ) , were equally divided as to those who wished no more to do with the Imperial , Broadstairs or indeed the Lionisers , those to whom the sudden disappearance of their leader was an added bonus , and those who were determined not to miss what they had already paid for .
29 Instead they would continue to work towards what they had earlier described as ‘ a national consensus on a desirable frame-work for the curriculum ’ in the quest for ‘ improvement in the consistency and quality of school education across the country ’ .
30 ‘ I suppose some of your own nights when you were on the run were not unlike that , ’ she ventured into what they had never spoken of .
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