Example sentences of "[Wh det] they [verb] [be] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This later point reflects the concern voiced by this administration to reduce the ‘ dependency culture ’ which they felt was promoted by universal and ‘ overgenerous ’ state welfare systems .
2 Police are investigating the blaze which they said was started in ‘ suspicious circumstances . ’
3 The difference remains when the age at which they die is taken into account .
4 In many Third World countries national liberation movements which failed to create effective political parties were either taken over by military elites or else the governments which they formed were overthrown by military coups .
5 Another highly important fact is that some sets of cross- references taken together would actually reveal inadequacies in the way in which the material to which they refer is handled in the dictionary in its present form .
6 Also , of course , the ferment in the universities was in part a revolt against the technocratic role which they had been assigned in the Wilsonian scheme of things .
7 One has seen people from the shop floor sent to help start up plants overseas , and seen them rapidly take responsibilities far beyond those which they had been given in their home organization .
8 Three Cabinet appointees were reported on April 1 to have rejected posts which they had been given in a transitional government appointed on March 30 .
9 At a time when potential reformers included senior officials and members of the royal family , it was to be expected that educated people outside the government would emerge from the bunker to which they had been relegated in 1848 .
10 The conditions in which they had been kept in the notorious Tazmamert prison had been so appalling that they had had to be transferred to a hospital for medical treatment to make them fit for release .
11 The immediate increase in those deposits will come from transfers from banks but the ultimate origin will be a diversion of funds away from the destinations to which they had been channelled by unit trust managements .
12 In Chapter 6 , it was suggested that one factor which contributed to the variations in fortune between different towns was the extent to which they had been affected by developments in the manufacture of cloth .
13 Conscious manipulation of tears is very rare , although most women acknowledged how powerful tears can be and could remember the odd occasion on which they had been used as a weapon when all else failed .
14 In early 1977 , for the first time in 30 years , campesinos in the central region of the country occupied land from which they had been evicted over a long period of time to make way for export crops .
15 But they had received a further ‘ hammer blow ’ with a demand yesterday ‘ for thousands of pounds from the Inland Revenue for taxation which they had been told by Barlow Clowes had been deducted at source .
16 Under his tutelage , the Indians began to demand the rights over their lands which they had been guaranteed by Brazil 's Constitution .
17 He stole the show and became the epitome of the American anti-hero , the spit-in-your-eye champion of counter-culture whose irreverence captivated and finally liberated his audiences from the time warp in which they had been trapped since Montgomery Clift , Marlon Brando and James Dean began it in a rather less volatile manner in the early Fifties .
18 These components were , therefore , far more representative of the structure of G-BEBP than two brand new units would have been ; indeed the period in which they had been subjected to the stresses and strains of flight was remarkably similar to that of the accident aircraft .
19 Mr Shrigley said two of the women had died from the serious illnesses for which they had been admitted to the hospital .
20 Under Russian rule many native communities were deprived of such rights by sheer seizure of land ( zakhvat ) or by forfeiting territory as a result of pernicious debtor-contracts into which they had been duped by unscrupulous settlers .
21 Conservationist Dexter Cate of Hawaii was jailed for 100 days in 1980 when he released several hundred dolphins from the bay into which they had been driven before slaughter .
22 In November 1286 Robert of Everingham , hereditary warden of Sherwood Forest , and ten others were released on bail from prison in Nottingham , to which they had been committed for venison offences .
23 Not only is the official not complaining of the handicaps with which they have been saddled by Howard 's fellow-countrymen — he 's apologizing that they have n't overcome them !
24 Asian hoteliers and restaurateurs have been reluctant to disclose the extent to which they have been affected by the collapse of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International ( BCCI ) .
25 By contrast , I make it clear that Labour believes it is right and just and should be the first priority for pensioners to get an increase of £5 a week for a single pensioner and £8 a week for a married couple , given the mean and miserable way in which they have been treated over the past decade .
26 Furthermore , the auditors can only report on the information which they have been given by the Vendor and if that information is inaccurate ( causing the Accounts to be wrong ) the auditors will not be at fault .
27 I believe that the very speed at which they have been absorbed into the school system indicates an uncritical acceptance of the package because it is new and modern and fashionable and that there has been little serious examination of which aspects are relevant and which are not .
28 The scale of many more recent industrial disputes , together with the manner in which they have been regarded by workers , employers and the state , have made explanations based on pluralism seem less and less plausible .
29 But we know children can be at risk from even well-qualified professionals appointed to care for them ( not least in children 's homes to which they have been sent for their own welfare and safety ) , or from parents not burdened by a ‘ learning difficulty ’ label ( witness the recent ‘ home alone ’ cases here and in the United States ) .
30 The concessions and trade-offs which have come to form the main content of Zambian politics have proved fatally debilitating , even though the skill with which they have been orchestrated by President Kenneth Kaunda ( KK ) has ensured that Zambia is one of the least oppressive societies in Africa .
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