Example sentences of "[Wh det] had been [verb] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I went on and delivered a fast three minutes of the cleanest material I had , most of which had been done to death already by every comic who went before me and would no doubt be done again by those who followed .
2 The tsar expressed his annoyance by a gesture ; he repudiated the free-port status which had been given to Batum by the Treaty of Berlin .
3 In repeated calls for a spiritual crusade by believers to reclaim for Christianity the states of Europe which had been lost to communism , the Pope attacked abortion , implicitly criticizing the Sejm
4 The Romanian Parliament had issued objections on Nov. 28 to the referendum 's being held in those Ukrainian territories which between 1918 and 1940 had been part of Romania , namely Northern Bukovina and Bessarabia , but which had been ceded to Ukraine under the terms of the Molotov-Ribentropp pact .
5 The higher proportion of the prison population which had been sentenced to imprisonment for offences triable on indictment meant that the sentences served were longer than before , with a consequent increase in the size of the prison population overall .
6 Instead it was named " Stockport School " , thus using one of the names which had been applied to Sir Edmond 's Foundation , probably from its earliest days , though the first written reference dates only from 1597 .
7 The ambition was fulfilled earlier this year , when the building which had been converted to offices for many years , was restored to the splendour which is now The Regent London .
8 Mr Baillie said the part of the building which had been converted to offices was no longer suitable for care of the elderly and could not have been adapted economically .
9 Champneys was one of a number of prominent London instrument-makers who brought a petition against Peter Dollond [ q.v. ] in 1764 to annul ( unsuccessfully as it turned out ) the achromatic lens patent which had been granted to Dollond 's father in 1758 .
10 Once he had been chieftain over the lands which had been rewarded to Richard Carew for his services to Oliver Cromwell .
11 On 26 December , 114 Lower Church Street and adjoining properties which had been leased to W. A. Reeves , the furnisher , since the offices were given up by the South Metropolitan Company , were sold to him .
12 In a letter to Archy Kirkwood , MP for Roxburgh and Berwickshire , Sir Hector said that the survey made by Borders NFU , after Government lopped £2.25 per ewe off Hill Livestock Compensatory Allowances , ignored very large compensating increases which had been made to farmers .
13 The sum was reduced by almost £9,000 , taking it below an out of court offer which had been made to Linda Clark by Lothian and Borders Police .
14 Nevertheless , it was officially reported that on Aug. 17 three Croatian police helicopters which had been dispatched to Gracac , a town near Knin where Serbs had taken over the police station and were distributing arms , had been intercepted en route by two Yugoslav air force jets and forced back to base .
15 About 1,200 delegates , representing the government , political parties , professional and labour bodies and farming and nomadic communities , attended the conference , which had been transferred to Niamey 's sports centre following the collapse of the main roof of the city 's conference centre the previous day .
16 In the ‘ free chase ’ of Knaresborough , which had been assigned to Queen Isabella for life , they made an unauthorized perambulation and acted upon it by felling trees , planting hedges , and hunting the deer without warrant .
17 Tommy Weir , 66 , of Walker Street , in Fauldhouse , West Lothian , died last Thursday of a heart attack after waiting more than 50 minutes for an ambulance which had been sent to Falkirk by mistake .
18 On April 27 , 1990 , Norway and Israel signed a draft agreement providing for the return of 10.5 tonnes of heavy water ( deuterium oxide , used to cool nuclear reactors ) to Norway , half the amount which had been sent to Israel in 1959 .
19 Then she reported another bit of foolishness : she had concealed and taken home a knife which had been sent to Eliot .
20 Grujović , an Austrian Serb , had been professor of law at Kharkov , and had acted as secretary to the Serbian delegation which had been sent to St Petersburg to enlist the support of the Russians .
21 David had originally made a demo with John Hutchinson , a demo which had been taken to Philips who were releasing in this country for Mercury Records in America , and they all agreed that this would be the first single under that contract . ’
22 They said that it was of himself and that the parcel contained a gun which had been taken to pieces so that he could carry it inconspicuously .
23 Mr Wood recalled an incident last year when the Stokesley group was asked to find a site for the release of a badger which had been taken to Throckley .
24 By 960–1126 there was trade in these between China and south-east Asia generally and it was extended to caradamons , which had been exported to Europe from India since Roman times , rattans , camphor , dammars , bananas and Dalheroia parviflora ( Leguminosae ) a liane with heartwood used in joss sticks ; the seeds of Adenanthera pavonina ( Leguminosae ) came into use as weights for goldsmiths and a system ( Ganda ) based on seeds half as heavy ( another legume , Abrus precatorius ) in India is derived from it .
25 The UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office announced on March 22 that the UK and Czechoslovakia would co-operate in trying to find out the ultimate destination of the Semtex which had been exported to Libya .
26 I felt at peace with the world , even though by the summer of 1939 Europe seemed to be drifting closer to war and everyone was glued to the BBC short-wave Overseas Service bulletins , or even devouring month-old copies of The Times which had been airmailed to Australia and sent on by ship , together with the Illustrated London News , Tatler , and particular titles ordered by the expatriates .
27 Early in April ‘ Ark Royal ’ again headed towards Malta , carrying aboard twelve new Hurricane IIAs which had been delivered to Gibraltar on Argus ' .
28 The defendant was standing in the dock awaiting the sentence which was given immediately for the charge which had been reduced to manslaughter .
29 Wickham asked her about two aspects : the whereabouts of her father 's list of computer codes and the ownership of the keys which had been loaned to Ruby Dobby .
30 As for confession , which had been allowed to laymen , this was to be undertaken only when the penitent was in mortal danger : the emphasis now was not on contrition but on absolution which could only be given by a priest .
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