Example sentences of "[Wh det] had been [noun] 's [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I had always wanted to see Harar , which had been Burton 's objective in 1855 .
2 Pauca sed matura ’ , ( few but ripe ) , which had been Gauss 's motto , became Smith 's also .
3 Lorton was in the room which had been Arabella 's studio .
4 Browne has noted that the early drafts he received , together with a synopsis of the action , already suggested the shape of the complete play — quite unlike the false starts and extensive rewriting which had been Eliot 's procedure in his earlier work ; Browne explained this in terms of his " greater self-confidence as a playwright " .
5 He took the car which had been Grégoire 's favourite and also , by chance , Isobel 's .
6 Before independence , Zimbabwe competed for and successfully gathered what had been Zambia 's crown of regional leadership against South AFrica .
7 The museum had taken over the northern end of the building but the main hall of what had been Damiani 's factory , with its vaulted roof and tunnels , was in semi-derelict condition , leased on occasion to a firm of Iranian-born Jews who dealt in Persian art .
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