Example sentences of "[Wh det] had [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The Emir Bashir the Third , who ruled Mount Lebanon for the Sublime Porte in Istanbul , had been unable to contain the bitter disputes which had broken out between the two communities .
2 The catalogue of hurts which had built up over the years was considerable .
3 One of the less well-known consequences was that , when the companies who wrote unit-linked business wished to introduce personal pensions , they found that their natural mode of operation led them to return on death the fund which had built up for the policyholder , rather than any specific guaranteed rate of return .
4 The first part of an explanation would be the extent of belief in Hitler which had built up in the years before 1940 .
5 Gentle had successfully recreated one Gauguin previously , a small picture which had gone on to the open market and been consumed without any questions being asked .
6 Finally , guberniia executive committees were charged with the resurrection of village reading-rooms , most of which had gone under in the changed economic conditions of NEP .
7 The purple book , which had fallen on to the floor during the night , jogged his memory .
8 Such a proposal is now of another era , however , and I was present when an ex-Dean of Academic Studies at the college presented a paper ( Stead 1980 ) attacking the trend to expensive , amalgamated police units which had grown up in the previous two decades .
9 Donald Wilson was very much of the BBC 's ‘ old school ’ which had grown up in the wake of Lord Reith .
10 This huge old hospital is known by the Milanese as the Ca'Grande , or ‘ Great House ’ , and was built by Francesco Sforza in 1456 as a way of bringing together in one place about thirty little hospitals which had grown up around the Porta Romana .
11 In Soho the Partisan coffee bar , founded by the New Left Review — which had grown out of the New Reasoner in 1960- was attracting a far more Bohemian and disreputable crowd than the straighter new leftists for which it had been intended .
12 Initially , the great masses of floating pumice which had piled up on the sea made it difficult for ships to force their way through the water — rafts three metres thick were reported in places — but eventually parties were able to reach the islands and determine what changes had taken place .
13 The fears which had crawled back over the stockade of his new self were banished : he was unassailable on the rock of Hause Point — what could harm him but Death which here would be no great enemy ?
14 He found a ‘ poor fishing town ’ which had retreated on to the cliffs to avoid the winter storms ; but it was far better situated than Daniel Defoe allowed when he visited the coast in the 1720s .
15 She seemed to be caught up in a permanent giddying whirl , of trying to run the nightclub , making herself available to the police whenever they needed her , and coping with the demands of a sensation-hungry Press which had swooped on to the drugs-bust story with its famous heroine like a pack of vultures .
16 Exactly opposite Grace a heap of crates which had driven up through the bends and reaches , twenty miles from Gravesend , was at rest in the slack water , enchanted apparently , not moving an inch one way or the other .
17 Many of the older people found it difficult to throw off the ‘ criminal , associations which had carried over from the fifties and sixties .
18 It had been the Nordic states which had drawn back from the full implications of the Oslo and Ouchy Conventions of the 1930s .
19 Some injuries had apparently been caused by the explosion dislodging flooring and equipment on the overhead jigs which had crashed on to the men working on the shop-floor .
20 Outside , Baker Street was closed down for the weekend except for the Barracuda Club , which had taken over from the original School Dinners restaurant after it moved across the road to usurp the No. 34 Wine Bar .
21 At 0748hrs Zeros and Val dive-bombers which had taken off from the Soryu attacked .
22 The fighting , which had died down during the night , flared again as dawn came , and US Cobra gunships began to fly over Panama City .
23 Part of this represented a disquieting pattern which had set in since the 1960s ( see Table 2.3 ) .
24 As before , he disguised himself in beggar 's clothes , and hobbled into the village which had sprung up around the river of wine .
25 Probably the paper did n't even have wire service , and if it did , he 'd bet a dime that anything which had come in about the book 's author had simply been buried in the chaos then reigning in the newspaper office .
26 The same thing with pre-West End shows — quite often , I mean for instance , there was a show at the Apollo about six months ago which was Lettuce and Lovage , er which had come out of the West End and was doing a big tour .
27 This time there was no knife , they just got him on the floor and it was just a fist which had come down on the man 's face again and again .
28 So get in the old shed and then we got a load of swedes , we put it in rack and we come out like chips , chips of raw swede , and then sugar beet pulp , which had come back from the factory .
29 The revolution in New Testament scholarship which had come about during the hundred years before he wrote The Problem of Pain appears to have passed him by .
30 It occurred to her suddenly that she had forgotten to tell Urquhart what had gone on during the day , especially what Marek Nowak had told her and the disastrous arrest of Taczek .
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