Example sentences of "[Wh det] had [adv] been [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He was walking towards a new life , a kind of freedom which had only been an idealistic daydream for nearly sixty years .
2 His religious faith , which had always been a rationalistic , brittle thing , simply broke apart .
3 This replaced section 5 of the Public Order Act 1936 which had long been the main public order offence and which had been used in a wide range of situations including demonstrations , football hooliganism , " streaking " and industrial disputes .
4 The strict controls over our life at school , our terrible school uniform and the climate of East Yorkshire conspired against either of these sexual eventualities , which had apparently been the common run of existence in Trinidad .
5 But as the surplus rural housing was gradually soaked up by commuters and second home owners , and as housing which had once been a damning indictment of years of neglect and deprivation was restored and renovated , so relative scarcity began to increase prices above those prevailing for comparable suburban and even urban housing .
6 The one which had once been the spare room she now occupied permanently .
7 During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the pace of Mediterranean commercial life slackened and the inland sea , which had once been the major artery of European trade , became a cul-de-sac .
8 He was philosophical , not to say laid back about the inconvenience of being called out unnecessarily at the end of what had already been a long day .
9 Not only does she execute embroideries , but designs them too — thereby encroaching on what had formerly been a male preserve .
10 Politically , it was essential last summer to distance the government from what had clearly been a shabby episode .
11 The April 19 Movement ( M-19 ) won 19 seats , marking a clear breakthrough in what had historically been a two-party system dominated by the PL and the PSC .
12 This was reflected in a loosening of what had traditionally been a strong correlation between landownership and civil and military office , especially at the highest level .
13 The new Arrangements are very similar to the 1988 Scheme , the main , and welcome , change being the removal of the lower tier in what had previously been a two-tier system for remuneration for advice at police stations : a solicitor could undertake up to £90 of work , extendable retrospectively , where the client was in custody for an arrestable offence , but only up to £50 ( non-extendable ) otherwise .
14 More important what had previously been a low-visibility discretionary payment overnight turned into highly visible as-of-right entitlement .
15 And she went on to explain to him how they would now have to hasten what had previously been a very leisure long-term affair , at least in her mind .
16 Yet what had previously been an alternative tendency within the general social order , and in some respects a central tendency within the rising industrial bourgeoisie , was now , in this crisis , shifted into an oppositional tendency .
17 The children , however , were persistent and led the way round to the side of the building , stopping at what had probably been a small parcels office .
18 He told himself that the office would have been an addition , built onto the end of what had before been an exterior wall of brick and therefore powerful enough to hold back the spread of the flames .
19 The sudden chill of isolation which Britain felt in a hostile world , and the thrill of Dominion contingents serving alongside troops from ‘ home ’ , raised in new form what had long been a nagging conundrum — that the outlying parts of the Empire which Britain defended bore no appreciable share of the burden , precisely because of the fundamental political syllogism : no taxation without representation ; no representation without common responsibility ; no common responsibility without sacrifice of separate independence .
20 Joseph Maloney , secretary of the local angling association , said at the time that earlier , less serious pollution caused by Mogul had killed all fish life in what had once been a good trout and salmon river .
21 And a mess of twisted brass bonded with what had once been a small but efficient pulse-receiver .
22 Her window looked out of the back of the house , onto what had once been a small garden .
23 It was on the first floor of what had once been a small eighteenth-century town-house .
24 The cliffs which had proved so difficult bordered a valley a mile or more across , the bed of what had once been a great , meandering river .
25 We had a collection of cars , mostly rather old , but here was an example of what had once been a great cultural status symbol .
26 The time difference between London and Mexico City is six hours , and because we had been travelling with the sun , it was still quite high in the sky as we descended into the sepia haze that hung over the whole flat expanse of what had once been a great lake .
27 The glade where the ghost orchids grew amid the crumbling remains of what had once been a Roman villa was as cool as the church , and an unmistakable smell of summer blossoms mingled with the lush green growth of the wood .
28 What had once been a pleasant Saturday afternoon 's entertainment was fast becoming a greedy , unskilled exercise to satisfy the demands of the uninitiated .
29 What an inglorious end to what had once been a busy loco shed that had been the scene of so much activity in its heyday .
30 The child watched her now stand up in her stockinged feet on what had once been a fine Persian rug but was now worn in parts to its back , and unpin her hat .
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