Example sentences of "[Wh det] he had [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Turning down offers of work , Crawford took a rest after six exhausting years , during which he had bounced back from his film disappointments to become one of Britain 's top television and stage stars .
2 The sight of the handbag she 'd caught up as he 'd carried her from her flat and which he had tossed on to the bed gave her the glimmering of an idea .
3 Far away and long ago seemed the world after the War , into which he had emerged out of the army with the feeling that his vote and the new Labour Government would rebuild England .
4 He 'd use it to identify and locate all the landmarks which he had stared up at during his exhausting explorations , now seen from a very different perspective ; he knew the names of all the streets where the distant , anonymous towers of the banks and finance companies were sited , having worn himself out many times by walking along them , fascinated by the scenes glimpsed behind their mirrored , darkened or tinted glass windows and walls .
5 This time Vidor wanted to take up the notion of co-operatives which he had read about in Reader 's Digest .
6 Springfield himself was standing beside the open door of his car , which he had drawn up on the verge opposite the gates , angled so its headlights were bathing them in a pool of bright luminescence .
7 Two North Welsh grandfathers also lived with their children , one above his son 's butcher 's shop and the other on the family farm which he had handed on to his son .
8 Besides having this example of baronial efficiency before his eyes , common sense might have suggested the importance of revealing at once the new conditions for ecclesiastical support which he had brought back from the Roman Council of 1099 .
9 A Danish yawl had been wrecked on the far side of the island two years before and Bonefish had rescued some of her oak timbers which he had scarfed in to Masquerade 's broken hull .
10 Engaged in rapidly expanding the size of the business , which he had taken over from his father , Ross had had little or no time for his young wife or her problems .
11 Half of the essays were reprinted , with slight alterations , from For Lancelot Andrewes , while the more recent of them , " Religion and Literature " , " Catholicism and International Order " and " Modern Education and the Classics " , continue the theme which he had inaugurated in After Strange Gods ; he assaults the dominant position of secularism in contemporary culture , and anticipates in lugubrious fashion the barbarism which will descend .
12 In the 1150s Bishop Henry of Winchester was described as buying up statues all over Rome which he had shipped back to England .
13 He had half turned to walk to his car , which he had left down by the jetty , when we heard the sound of a horn , pressed just once — not to warn us against danger but to attract our attention .
14 Lincoln , in turn , came across the mystery in de Sede 's book Le Tresor Maudit ( The Cursed Treasure ) , which he had picked up for some light holiday reading .
15 Later , much later , he put the book down , and the cuttings which he had picked up at the end of his reading .
16 Philip Swallow finds the VC 's memorandum , its envelope still unopened , at the bottom of his In-tray , trapped between the pages of a brochure for Bargain Winter Breaks in Belgium which he had picked up from a local travel agency some weeks ago .
17 David Hunt from Downing Street told Lascelles that Ramsey had been known to stop in a procession , send for a pair of trousers to replace the wrong ones which he had put on by mistake , and change them in the middle of the aisle .
18 The phrase represented a manner of thinking about the world very different from that which he had worked out in his own thinking about liberty as perfect obedience to the will of God : an obedience of a will so attuned to the source of order in the universe that there has ceased to be any constraint in obeying .
19 In preparation for the final session , I designated a ‘ robot controller ’ room area , roped off , a large placard with ROBOT CONTROLLER in red ( I should have added PRIVATE , DO NOT ENTER as a nice re-inforcer of the point , but I did not think about it in time ) against a dais on which stood a table and a hand microphone ( a television control device which he had carried around with him on previous occasions ) .
20 The discipline of a police state was what he had grown up with , what suited his talents best .
21 Erm , who only later realised what he had opened up to the whole of mankind .
22 In the CI5 computer room , Bodie reported what he had found out about the girl to Cowley .
23 While he and Blanche hummed up in the lift to the conference room , Dexter told the superintendent what he had found out at the dry cleaner 's .
24 The thin man thrust whatever he had found back into the sack and hurriedly reknotted the neck .
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