Example sentences of "[Wh det] he [verb] [verb] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 THE scarred survivor of a fireball sobbed in the witness box yesterday as he recalled his dramatic escape from a murder-trap car which he thought had killed his girlfriend .
2 It was this , his wife had said , which he had intended to gas her with , using the fumes from the car 's exhaust .
3 In sum , Johnson falls victim to the same snare which he saw to have trapped his predecessors .
4 Private Lee Clegg ( 22 ) told Belfast Crown Court how he fired three aimed shots at the front windscreen of the car which he believed had struck his colleague , Private Barry Aindow .
5 The deep divisions within the party over the abortion issue were illustrated by Bush in an interview on Aug. 12 in which he appeared to have softened his own stance of opposition to abortion under almost all circumstances , by recognising the importance of a woman 's personal choice in the matter .
6 But while Yorkshire fail on the field there will always be discontent , and Boycott , after a period in which he appeared to have submerged himself in a media career , may head the opposition once more .
7 The crucial importance of the stabilising influence of Rirette in Nizan 's personal development can not be overstated , and there are certainly grounds for drawing a parallel between , on the one hand , the blossoming at a distance of Nizan 's love and affection for Rirette , with the consequent calming of personal anxieties , and on the other , the burgeoning at a distance of his hatred and hostility for those political , social and cultural forces in French society which he considered to have led him to the brink of suicide and despair .
8 The only losers if McEnroe fails to overcome his perennial distrust of the media will be the charities to which he has promised to give his winnings from the $6 million tournament he has described as ‘ obscene ’ .
9 Ever since the pharmaceutical company for which he worked had given him the vehicle given , thought Henry grimly ) number 47 had been watching over it in a manner that suggested an emotion deeper than motherhood , more desperate than romantic love .
10 Her entire knowledge of what he had to do to earn his crust amounted to not a row of beans .
11 Harry hurried out behind her , heard her shoes clicking with angry swiftness on the platform , wondered what he had done to annoy her — was he too obtuse , too inquisitive ? — and was about to call after her when she pulled up abruptly and turned to face him .
12 He would tease her if she gave him anything , ask what he had done to earn it .
13 He wondered what he had done to make his parents want to get rid of him for most of the summer holidays .
14 I asked him what he had done to land himself in jail .
15 Cranston stopped and , half crouching , retched violently as the true horror of what he had seen seized his mind and wrung his stomach as if it was a wet rag .
16 I could not imagine what he had found to interest him so much .
17 ‘ Yes , and got what he 'd refused to tell me from his wife .
18 ‘ That 's what he 's got to tell us , ’ Naseby retorted , coming back like Jem Mace .
19 She knew that he was finding out from her what he needed to know testing her ; and that he must know surely that she allowed this , understood that it was happening .
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