Example sentences of "[Wh det] you [vb mod] [verb] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Companies which find it more difficult because it 's the centre of their existence , erm , are clearly looking at the situation , but will actually take a very long time to move to the position which you , in your particular group would like them to occupy , and I understand that , changing in I C I is rather different from changing at I B M , and er , therefore it takes longer , but I do see a a consciousness , it 's the same conscious , you 're impatient for change , quite rightly , companies of course , have to keep their employees in an earning capacity , at the same time , er , move towards the position which you would like to them to do , and it may take a long time , but I accept your point , which is with some companies , then in fact , your clearly going to get attention of some kind .
2 Free with your guild card which you will carry with you everywhere I know , cheap beer , brilliant atmosphere , incredibly good DJs
3 What you really need is a shed on wheels which you can pull behind you .
4 For collecting vocabulary have a small notebook which you can carry with you wherever you go and jot down any new words or phrases on the spot .
5 Second he tells us that the classical paradises , which you can read about it in ancient authors , none of them are as fine as the Garden of Eden .
6 Think what you would think of it nowadays .
7 What you would do for her , so would I. ’
8 She hesitated , then went on in a small voice , ‘ I think I was afraid of what you could do to me .
9 ‘ How right I was , ’ she whispered , ‘ to be afraid of what you could do to me . ’
10 Walter Legge liked to tell the story — I think as an example of both your musicianship and your tactical skills — that at the graduation class in Vienna you chose the Overture to Rossini 's Guillaume Tell and then sent everyone away except the cellos so you could show exactly what you could do with them in the opening bars of the piece .
11 Adam loved words , was fascinated by them , their meanings and what you could do with them , with anagrams and palindromes and rhetorical terms and etymology .
12 So what you could do with it .
13 Erm they 're being much stricter about what you can do to them .
14 Never buy a barn without planning permission for conversion , and be prepared to find that you are very restricted in what you can do to it .
15 I took the advice I always give my students — try every new tool ‘ every-which-way ’ to find out what you can do with them .
16 Now each of these , alright we 'll go through the pads and I 'll discuss what you can do with them .
17 but the concepts are n't familiar and you 're starting to feel a little bit sort of not quite sure what you can do with them and what you ca n't
18 Martin Sugden , communications director of Interactive Information Systems ( IIS ) adds : ‘ The most important thing is not the technology , but what you can do with it . ’
19 BOB ; Well it 's not so much what you can do with it , it 's whether you can afford it !
20 ‘ Ask not , ’ Carnelian taunted , ‘ what you can do for me , but what I can do for you . ’
21 Mm yes , let's see what you can do for me first .
22 What you can do about them is another matter which we shall deal with .
23 You can usually work out who is to blame and what you can do about it .
24 Of course , in these difficult circumstances you seek to keep order , but I ask you to reflect on one problem and to see what you can do about it .
25 But I do n't see what you can do about it .
26 I do n't know what you can do about it though because if people are that thick , there 's nothing much you can do about it is there ?
27 So you need to know if they 're stressed , and what you can do about it .
28 You know what you can do about it ! ’
29 Well it is awful but I do n't know what you can do about it !
30 See what you can make of me . ’
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