Example sentences of "[Wh det] was [adv] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The CNAA gave its first approval to a modular course , for example , in 1972 — the logic of which was ultimately to bring the Council strongly into the field of credit accumulation and transfer .
2 He was also appointed by the Town Council to teach Botany in the ‘ Tounis College ’ , the institution which was later to form the University of Edinburgh .
3 Or the record of the respectable opinion in the pre-war years which was already bewailing the corruption of morals and the decline of standards ?
4 Meanwhile a number of governments abroad were running large and sustained budget deficits , the financing of which was steadily expanding the size of other markets in government debt .
5 Clark owned an estate in Tetbury which was eventually given the name Highgrove by his grandson John Paul Paul .
6 The Northern Band was centred in Kurunagala district , which was long considered the hotbed of the crime .
7 Thus Rowthorne and Rowbotham joined the editorial board , and thus also a change began on the Dwarf which was significantly to affect the development of the underground , and ultimately prove its nemesis .
8 The tesserae are still applied to a bed of mortar , but the client could expect the work in the room which was actually receiving the mosaic to be finished much more quickly than with the direct method .
9 ‘ Well , you ca n't complain I 'm not honest , ’ Geoffrey was saying , his good humour restored by the cigarette which was now polluting the night air .
10 A year after the tragic loss of Ken Barrington , Keith Fletcher was dumped , the ‘ first sign of the irresolute thinking which was so to bedevil the decade ’ .
11 The Keynesian model , by which was usually meant the model , is a fix-price theory which , by definition , is incapable of explaining why variations in the absolute price level occur .
12 Nor could it afford indefinitely to be without a direct , local link with Asmar 's network , which was still using the agency 's video equipment to keep track of the hostages in Beirut as well as monitoring the activities of DEA/CIA operatives .
13 The International Telecommunication Union is holding its first World Telecommunications Standardisation Conference in Helsinki March 1 to 12 : the conference succeeds what was formerly called the CCITT Plenary Assembly , and follows the ITU 's restructuring announced last year .
14 It must be conceded that the process had for its ‘ desired end ’ , the production of a being capable of experiencing what was eventually to become the enjoyment of life .
15 The favourite line of attack employed what was technically called the plum-pudding model .
16 He thus denied himself any further influence , but the radicals who did join what was now called the Derry Citizens ' Action Committee did not dictate the pace of events and had little which was distinctive to say or propose within the new body .
17 Then there was a big show of Miró in New York in the late Sixties that got a good review in what was then called The Herald Tribune .
18 But what was really neutralizing the power of the unions was the growing economic crisis and resultant unemployment .
19 Acquiring the rights to The Great Rock ‘ n ’ Roll Swindle had led to the formation of what was grandly called the Film Division although that was the only film yet within its compass .
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