Example sentences of "[Wh det] is the [noun sg] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is their status and relationship which is the subject of disagreement .
2 But many of the activities of government are also subject to what is called ‘ judicial review ’ , which is the subject of Part I. Both of these forms of judicial control are basically retrospective — they are concerned primarily with cure ( dispute resolution ) , not prevention ( dispute avoidance ) ; but prospective methods of regulating ( that is , controlling ) government activities will also receive some discussion .
3 Several legends surround the origin of this stone , one of which is the subject of Hardy 's poem , ‘ The Lost Pyx ’ .
4 Borrowings include £98 million [ 1991 £70 million ] which is the subject of interest swap agreements under which counterparties have undertaken to pay amounts at fixed rates of interest in consideration for amounts payable by the Group at variable rates of interest .
5 However , in keeping with the somewhat critical approach adopted in Chapter 1 , and because we also wish to indicate how our studies might be put upon a set-theoretical base ( the soundness of which is the concern of set-theorists ) we propose definitions rather more formal than many a reader might expect .
6 The reintroduction of stamp duty in August , which is the equivalent of 20% of the deposit required for a 95% mortgage , has only served to aggravate the problem .
7 Those for the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation ( ASIO ) , which is the equivalent of Britain 's MI5 , offer ‘ a unique opportunity to make an important contribution to Australia 's security ’ .
8 A situation would arise in which the very order which is the objective of law would have to be violated in order to achieve that objective , and this is unacceptable since international law is not an end in itself , but an instrument to be justified largely by its contribution to the limitation of violence .
9 There could hardly be a more fundamental demonstration of the difference between the Christian religion and Islam than the response of the Christian laity to those appalling and unthinkable attacks , which is the foundation of forgiveness in the Christian religion .
10 Moreover , even the Act of 1984 itself , which is the foundation of Code C , provides in section 76(4) that evidence discovered as the result of an inadmissible confession is not ipso facto rendered inadmissible .
11 There is one central pattern , called the ‘ da mu hsing ’ or ‘ great mother ’ form , which is the foundation of pa-kua .
12 As it leaves Rudston , it runs through the grounds of Thorpe Hall on the outskirts of the village which is the home of Sir Ian and Lady Juliet MacDonald of Sleat , descendants of Sir Godfrey , whose family , originally the Bosvilles , arrived in the community in the 1770s .
13 ‘ No theory explains everything , ’ she remarks elsewhere , ‘ yet it is just the desire to explain everything which is the spur of theory . ’
14 A drill which has been expanded in order to give the student time to respond to a stimulus , and which is the kind of drill used in a taped programme in a language laboratory .
15 It does , however , sacrifice one of the classical principles of organisational structures — which is the unity of command .
16 Quite apart from the communication of information of all kinds which is the function of radio , television and the press , more and more time is being devoted to the provision of general and specific advice , usually at the request of individuals .
17 Many ingenious hypotheses have been advanced to account for this supposed rise in NAIRU , the most promising of which is the notion of hysteresis discussed in the next section .
18 Creole food has its heartland in New Orleans , the colourful , vibrant city which is the birthplace of jazz and a place where fun and enjoyment is serious business .
19 To impute that Dr Runcie has been an unsuccessful archbishop by quoting falling numbers in that part of the Anglican Communion which is the Church of England is to ignore a whole complex of reasons for a reduction in church-going , including , no doubt , the encouragement of a highly competitive and success-orientated society .
20 Mother 's question Which is the land of milk and honey ?
21 The reason that I just gave , which is the experience of recession .
22 Humbleton is a small country village situated in the heart of Holderness , which is the part of Yorkshire that stretches between Hull and Bridlington southwards to the river Humber .
23 Except that Adimov and his fellow barons will speak their names , and the cook will respond , which is the way of survival .
24 This group of professionals has not even bothered to ease the biggest problem facing entrepreneurs — apart from the unavailability of cheap finance — which is the lack of cash flow that results from customers not paying bills on time .
25 The recent correspondence about traffic problems and congestion fails to address the basic cause of most of the present chaos , which is the lack of consultation and co-operation by those responsible for the development of industry , office space , housing and schools , and public transport during the last 45 years .
26 Chemical Water Treatment which is the provision of chemicals and dosing equipment into industrial and commercial systems .
27 The Holywell Music Room is also right in the centre of Oxford , in Holywell Street , which is the continuation of Broad Street .
28 There are , of course , other ways cellulite can be reduced , for instance by Mesotherapy which is the multi-injection of substances such as hormones , local anaesthetics , thyroxine , theophylline , lipolytic agents , Centella asiatica , aminophylline , mild diuretics , hyalase , mucopolysaccharides , and B vitamins .
29 After the peace and while the priest receives the sacrament , the layman reflects on that love which is the reflection of God in society and constitutes the peace ; love of God , proper love of self demonstrated in the harnessing of both spiritual and physical energies to serve God , and love of society — " alle manere of men " .
30 Moderator I declare my interest as a member of the panel on doctrine but I wanted to enquire whether Professor would be willing to include not only the problem of anti-semitism but what seems to me to be the opposite problem which also exists today , which is the problem of Zionism .
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