Example sentences of "[Wh det] it [verb] [adv] been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Rifts persistently occur within the human race , and one important cause could well be found in the tendency of human beings to group themselves together and rally around a particular banner for no other reason than to be able to identify another group as an ‘ enemy ’ upon whom can be laid the blame for hardship and misery suffered ; suffering which it has not been possible to attribute to any obvious cause .
2 One aspect of the regional geography of job loss and job change which it has not been possible to examine in the chapter is the contrasting ways in which different regions of the UK relate to the international division of labour .
3 The chief weakness of the House of Commons is in matters of taxation ; the way in which it has not been able to keep pace with administrative developments is that it has no method of collecting information ( other than the briefing from outside pressure groups already mentioned ) on the social and other side-effects of a tax or of examining possible future departures in taxation policy .
4 These eight tasks of audit can not be carried out in smaller schools — schools in which it has never been possible to develop subject differentiation to the same degree as in larger schools .
5 What it has not been able to do is provide a coherent explanation of the variations it often describes , nor account for changes in mores and consciousness .
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