Example sentences of "[Wh det] i [vb base] is [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Say only that this of which I speak is pleasing to you . ’
2 This is a street game which I find is popular at children 's parties .
3 Once I asked him what he thought of the French system of criminal justice and he replied that during his career he had no time left over from practising our own system to study any other ( which I think is representative of the Bar as a whole ) .
4 we know where we are all the time , which I think is one of the huge advantages ,
5 Yes , can I bring this argument a bit closer to home and talk about the sexual division of labour within the family , which I think is one of the underlying causes of discrimination against women , and that 's really just a fancy term for the fact that when we talk about child care women do most of the work and men do very little , and really I do n't think we can look at the position of women without looking at how , in fact , child care and caring is organized within the family .
6 So I think there 's an element still to come out in , in that area , er but if you look at er , er the er issue generally , there 's a lot in the White Paper on er more than I expected actually , on energy efficiency , which I think is one of the keys to getting down er levels of carbon dioxide , and there is discussion about some of the many many ways in which the role of the motor car will affect er how we reduce our C O two .
7 I enclose some information about our current exhibition , as well as preliminary information about ‘ Scotland First Portrayed ’ , which I think is likely to be of considerable interest to your members .
8 My hon. Friend will realise that his statement on corporation tax for small companies needs slight adjustment and I am sure that he is considering a major adjustment on capital gains , which I understand is one of the taxes where the cost of collection exceeds the revenue .
9 But I I do n't erm from the nature of Mr Justice in the Midland Bank that there 's a a well known but w what I say is that in this case er what your Lordship will be dealing with are essentially what are matters of practice for conveyancing solicitors when faced particularly with clients er making financial arrangements to enter into this and the duties of in that particular situation .
10 erm This is quite an interesting cartoon , and really has no connection with either St Aldate 's or Oxford , erm but it was actually published in 1642 , and it shows the two sides , the Roundheads and the Cavaliers , and what I think is interesting about it is that it does seem to be quite objective , it does n't seem to be particularly getting at one side or the other , which is very rare for the kind of erm cartoons that were later issued during the war .
11 Other advantages of living alone are having time and space for myself to read , write , draw , think , learn , do what I feel is right for myself .
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