Example sentences of "[Wh det] the [noun] have do [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Wrexham Labour MP Dr John Marek , who signed the motion , said : ‘ Party appointments bring quangos and other bodies into disrepute , which the minister has done in this case . ’
2 I went inside and saw a beautiful work which the artist had done on the other side .
3 Nagel refers to Adam Smith whom he takes to be advocating , as a matter of reason , the restriction of moral judgment only to that which the agent has done in a narrow sense because to attribute responsibility for that beyond the agent 's control seems irrational and is akin to strict liability .
4 Parents sampled the linguistic , mathematical , scientific and creative work which the children had done on the theme — and many discovered that activities which often look to be just fun can in fact be quite hard work .
5 So whatever the ankle has done for sex , its contribution to other games of chance has been incalculable .
6 Whatever the world had done to the little wide-eyed innocent who got eaten up by a bad wolf in the big city , it had n't taught her much .
7 Along the way Aileen told people all about the charity and the work they do for children with terminal or life threatening illnesses , she also explained just what the charity had done for her family when they were faced with such a situation .
8 You see , what the angler has to do with his bait is to make it imitate as nearly as possible the conditions of nature .
9 Agree what the patient has to do before the next session
10 So I 'd like to reflect that against what the government has done since our unique November conference they have cut the Health and Safety Executive 's budget for nineteen ninety three ninety four by five percent , that 's a total of thirteen million pounds the Department of Employment have already admitted this will lead to less inspections and less prosecutions they have introduced a market tex market testing exercise into the H S E in other words they 're saying what parts of the Health and Safety Executive can be privatized into , no doubt , their friends in industry they have made sure that Health that the Health and Safety Commission will work slower in the future by making the chair which is currently a full-time post a part-time post from September this year .
11 Secondly , all the groups who are considered to be priorities by both the Government and the Opposition — low-income pensioners , low-income families and disabled people — have benefited significantly from what the Government have done in recent years .
12 Those who may at some stage look at VSEL 's order books may care to consider that , even if the fourth submarine is constructed , the consequences for employment in such constituencies will remain severe because of what the Government have done in relation to naval and submarine construction .
13 He glared across the breakfast table at them , quenching the morning cheerfulness in the kitchen , and fiercely examined them at tea-time as if to see what the day had done to them .
14 The work of the committees of the council is always the subject of report to the council in some form , either as a report of what the committee has done under delegated powers or by the submission for the approval of the council of the recommendations of the committee .
15 Mourning the death of his adopted daughter in the raid , Gaddafi was inviting the world to come and see what the Americans had done to him .
16 While purists may look on and dislike what the engineers have done to the looks of the Gooney , it looks as through this surgery may help keep the old girl flying commercially well towards the type 's centenary !
17 ‘ Dreadful , ’ said Snodgrass , shuddering , but Floy said , ‘ It is only what the Gruagach have done to the Trees . ’
18 ‘ Look at what the bastards have done to this poor monkey . ’
19 ‘ You must ask the Information Ministry to let you go down to the south , so you can see for yourself what the bastards have done to our people , and tell the world about it , ’ he said , ‘ Please , John .
20 About 189 B.C. the Roman general Publius became mad in the panhellenic sanctuary of Naupactus and began to utter oracles in good Greek about the end of Roman rule : a king would come from Asia to take revenge for what the Romans had done to the Greeks .
21 Still , it would be easy enough to find out what the police had done about it , and it would be tidier to do so .
22 Because I was less a true coward , a calculating coward , than someone so innocent , or so Greek , that he could not see what the war had to do with him .
23 It was unbelievable what the costume had done for her .
24 The hostility that siblings show can therefore commence at a very young age : 2-year-olds become increasingly adept at asking for mother 's help in a sibling conflict and can be quite explicit about what the sibling has done to them .
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