Example sentences of "[Wh det] may have be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Solomon Islands is a new nation-state which may have been created through the imposition of an arbitrary boundary , but has to exist as a viable institution within the modern world .
2 I mention this merely in an effort to chase any preconceptions , which may have been created by the opening paragraphs , firmly away .
3 This leaves us with the possibility that , while the previous life the patient describes may not actually have happened , he is not deliberately inventing it but relating something which may have been created in his subconscious mind and which he really believes to be true .
4 The information gained from such provings is enlarged by adding in any known toxic effects of the remedy in question which may have been noted in cases of poisoning ( either accidental or otherwise ) and is completed by noting any symptoms and signs which were not observed in the provings but which cleared up unexpectedly in patients given that remedy on the provings indications .
5 Despite the sentencing it is not entirely clear whether the accusation of ‘ bad restoration ’ relates to the possible damage which may have been inflicted on the original paving of the Piazza or to the outcome of the entire campaign .
6 5.12.4 Unless the Landlord shall otherwise direct to carry out and complete before the expiry of the Term any works required to be carried out to or in the Premises as a condition of any planning permission which may have been granted during the Term irrespective of the date by which such works were required to be carried out It is understandable that a landlord will wish to ensure that the tenant not only complies with planning legislation but also does not make application for planning permission without the landlord 's consent .
7 The distinction may not seem an essential one , but there is a difference : " strike-breaking " suggests a degree of capability for the work and willingness to do it which may have been possessed by the " rats " of " London and Liverpool " , 28 but was unlikely to have been displayed by the handful of girl apprentices actually engaged during the strike .
8 Normally , any limiting adjustment which may have been made to the amount of positive pitch available will be overridden by this control .
9 These , among others , are connected with the somewhat mathematical concept which may have been generated by the introduction of the use of the word ‘ unit ’ as applicable to ‘ goodness ’ .
10 That this is the case stands , quite independently of the reasons which may have been given for not doing so in the past , reasons which may or may not appear cogent today .
11 Visualisation of the gel , which had been overloaded with protein , showed only minimal cross contamination of the subfractions , with the exception of Β gliadin , which may have been contaminated with 5% of α and γ gliadins .
12 It is very important that credit is given for any UK tax which may have been borne by an overseas trust .
13 I mean , you suggested the philosophy , you suggested that the term has become devalued because of unfortunate associations which may have been imposed by , by men .
14 The ad may alter or undermine an unfavourable attitude or group of attitudes to the brand ( which may have been based on ignorance or emotion … ) .
15 Private letters are like a conversation overheard , often more revealing than an autobiography , or than a diary which may have been written with more than half an intention of allowing it to be published .
16 There will also be the need for a user-specific lexicon with the facility to add and delete items , especially for proper nouns , individual abbreviations and misspellings , as well as words which may have been missed by the other dictionaries .
17 Mr has low back pain , sometimes with left sided sciatica , which he 's suffered from since the twenty second of June nineteen eighty eight and which may have been exacerbated by lifting the plaintiff .
18 The first stage is to gather as large a sample of coins as possible by assembling a collection of plaster casts or photographs of specimens in the world 's principal museums , together with other specimens which may have been illustrated in numerous auction catalogues or hoard publications .
19 THE LONDON Ambulance service , hardest hit by the national overtime ban , is to investigate two deaths last week which may have been caused by staff shortages .
20 These sudden rages , which he attributed to his head wound but which may have been connected with the suppression of inherited melancholy , always passed quickly and disappeared in late life .
21 Mr Brown has urged the Prime Minister to introduce rules which would prevent ex-Cabinet Ministers from taking private posts which may have been connected with their work as Ministers for a period of at least two years after leaving office .
22 In 1678 he applied for a patent for a new way of processing flax , which may have been related to investigations of this topic made under the society 's auspices in the 1660s .
23 One patient suffered with transitory lethargy during treatment , which may have been related to radiotherapy .
24 After a great expansion of HP in the 1920s , particularly for cars and for electrical goods , and then various repossession problems which may have been highlighted by the depression of the thirties , the Hire-Purchase Act 1938 introduced various controls .
25 This third section of the annual submission should be concerned with notification of any changes in the development plan which may have been decided as a result of progress and experience in the early years .
26 As I sit at this word processor , the chips of which may have been assembled by a young woman in the Philippines for a pittance a day and for such long hours that her eyes will be damaged in a tax haven created specially for foreign companies , I am acutely aware of the link between the health of the people of the Philippines and my life here in Britain .
27 Compartmentation of the interior means that the building is experienced in a new way — details which were once distant ( and which may have been executed in the knowledge that they would not be viewed at close hand ) are seen in ‘ close-up ’ for the first time and in relation to much smaller and more intimate spaces ( Plate 20 ) .
28 The main purpose of the meeting is to enable governing body representatives to discuss drug testing , the various issues which are associated with it , and any problems which may have been experienced in administering a drug testing programme .
29 After an efficient counter-attack , which may have been instigated as a ruse , the attacker can move in on another area of his target , one that may be wide open for an effective technique .
30 When applying glottochronological analyses it is crucial that only cognate words are compared , and not words which are coincidentally similar , or which may have been borrowed from one language into another : to include these would give a false high rating of similarity .
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