Example sentences of "[Wh det] we have [adv] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Not to mention a massive oil crisis from which we 've never really recovered and …
2 If we were to come across an object the like of which we had never before encountered , we would be in no position to determine whether it was an artefact or not , or to conclude with certainty that it had actually been designed and made by human beings .
3 Next year the full year effect of the revenue budget one point five five million , already two hundred thousand short , the estimated loss of income from reduced placements will now put another eight hundred thousand on that er , so there will be a million next year , so I have to tell you there is a gap of one point three million pounds in the social services budget which we have not yet faced .
4 A primitive shading is found on a few vases of the generation before , by the Brygos Painter for instance to indicate the roundness of shields ; and in this time it appears , very sparingly , both in red-figure and on another class of Attic vase which we have not yet considered , those with a white slip .
5 If we were to start on a building of such magnitude — which we have not yet attempted — it is easy to imagine the army of architects and engineers , the volumes of plans , the batteries of computers , the regiments of construction machinery we would require .
6 One form in which we have not only change but contrast is variation form .
7 According to her own account , which we have n't yet had time to check but there 's no particular reason to doubt , she 's twenty-five years old , single , and works in the millinery trade in Mannheim .
8 But , as I think Sir Geoffrey Gillington explained , there are other matters concerning the Ingard empire which we have n't yet got to the bottom of .
9 They had a range and endurance , an independence of overseas bases and an ability to vanish indefinitely into vast spaces which we have only lately regained with the atomic submarine .
10 This is a process about which we have only recently become aware .
11 This need for the father probably goes back to an earlier stage of childhood than the phallic-Oedipal one to which we have so far confined our attention .
12 It is time to take account of that difference between perceiving from ‘ Now ’ and ‘ I ’ and imagining from other viewpoints which we have so far put aside as irrelevant.4 Although one can respond with some awareness to remote or hypothetical situations , and evaluate them sub specie aeternitatis , everyone 's actual choices of ends are of course confined to his own present and future and to his effective scope of action .
13 The reader can no doubt think of other properties usually ascribed to Z which we have so far failed to mention .
14 A dominant tradition of thought within the Labour Party " sees " the British constitution in terms rather different from those which we have so far set down .
15 In modern linguistics , we are often told of our remarkable ability to construct meaningful sentences which we have never previously heard ; yet this is surely matched by our ability to absorb the social implications of an array of furnishing consisting of a combination which is not only almost certainly in some degree unique , but some of whose basic elements may also be new to us .
16 It will increase , as all our policies do , parental influence and parental choice in education on a scale on which we have never previously embarked in state education .
17 What just do what we 've really just said ?
18 You see what we 've bloody well done ?
19 ‘ For the ladies ’ benefit , Peter , perhaps you 'd like to run over what we 've so far established . ’
20 What we have not previously considered is that a cultural trait may have evolved in the way that it has , simply because it is advantageous to itself .
21 What we have not yet considered is where the body clock is and how it is adjusted by external time-cues .
22 What what we have n't yet defined is is what we mean by self containment .
23 What we have n't actually started doing yet is getting the money back .
24 It is out duty to protect and support what we have so nearly destroyed .
25 Surely this is too early to embark on new ideas — obscuring what we have so painstakingly created .
26 Although one would dearly like more supportive evidence , what we have so far indicates that isolated experiences rarely if ever leave permanent traces — however traumatic and however early they may be .
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