Example sentences of "[Wh det] we be [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 What is the framework within which we are operating at the moment .
2 Another approach , which we are testing at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine , is to eliminate the wild , dangerous population of anophelines by replacing it with another more tractable variety .
3 But there is further unpublished research on new settlements which we are awaiting at the moment , and it 's our anticipation that when that is available and the Department considers it , it will update and er refine P P G thirteen .
4 Unfortunately , Central News has had to take second place to Project Video ( which we are shooting at the moment ) but we are aiming for October 1989 publication for Central News 1 ( video and book ) and January 1990 for Central News 2 ( video and book ) .
5 And that 's all anybody got was section six , this dreaded section six which we were taught at the end of the year !
6 WHY Do we drink coffee ? one answer is to keep us interested in what we are doing at the time — typing , say , or repairing a car .
7 But I mean that 's just what we 're exploring at the moment .
8 consa , customers and then listed their 's , and the two gets first one and the most revenue started , that 's what we 're having at the moment .
9 We may be better off with health care contracts if money follows the patient as the government er intends it to do , but we just do n't know and that 's what we 're investigating at the present time .
10 That 's what we 're doing at the moment .
11 that , what we 're doing at the moment , we wo n't want to b put it all in this system
12 amount of manual gears , now what we 're doing at the mo
13 Oh , so far from paying any extra for a another television set , you are not happy at paying what we 're paying at the moment ?
14 and and and that is what we 're selling at the moment .
15 ‘ This bears out what we were saying at the time . ’
16 Put that down and we thought right draw the circle , space it out equally , six equal angles is what we were doing at the same time as six equal arcs , all at sixty degrees , or all at one sixth of three sixty .
17 ‘ If the Americans ever find out what we were doing at the Jenner Clinic , ’ Hennessy told him gloomily , ‘ I wo n't even make it that far . ’
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