Example sentences of "[Wh det] they [vb past] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Nearly three years after the murder , Mr and Mrs Macaulay still share the same sense of outrage and defiance against the IRA which they felt at the time of the killings .
2 But , for all that effort and the manner in which they attacked from the kick-off , I believe they deserved that try .
3 Trade unionists were demonstrating against sharp falls in living standards , which they blamed on the government 's current austerity programme , economic mismanagement and widespread government corruption .
4 There are many cases recorded in which Christian subjects petitioned the sultan to redress grievances which they suffered at the hands of overbearing church leaders , and where the sultan acted in the interests of the petitioners .
5 Willses have never been ashamed of their religious faith , and the disabilities which they suffered in the past as Nonconformists served to strengthen their convictions .
6 When they had heard the king , they departed ; and lo , the star , which they saw in the east , went before them , till it came and stood over where the young child was .
7 Everyone had brought a small handful of husked rice , which they passed to the front to be put on a plate beside the dhāmi .
8 They entered and asked for a room for the night and a meal of cold meat and beer , which they ate in the bar .
9 The qualities of initiative , responsibility and loyalty which they demanded from the soldier were very different from the passive obedience and mechanical discipline typified by the army of Frederick II ( which , significantly , found it difficult to create units of this kind ) .
10 He and Sir David accordingly set upon this final crucial lap of their preparations and to witness the unswerving determination with which they persevered in the face of repeated frustrations was a humbling experience ; countless letters and telegrams were dispatched and his lordship himself made three separate trips to Paris within the space of two months .
11 On their return they were given the Charles University which they absorbed into the Clementinum , and the emperor became their protector .
12 The local communities had to pay for the equipment of the men selected and their expenses until they reached the county boundary , after which they served at the king 's wages .
13 From a half doze Jane saw Christopher and Francis emerge from the barn , go to the kitchen and re-emerge with the sack of flour , which they took to the barn !
14 They managed their conference over coffee , which they took in the lounge sitting in the chairs by the window .
15 A team led by Basil Rose used a cloud chamber to measure the momentum of the neutrons coming from Zeta 's plasma , the measurements which they made in the spring of 1958 , showed that the fusion reactions producing them were between nuclei with on average a net directed momentum .
16 To surmount this problem , the elephants started tearing down trees , which they laid on the fence until it collapsed , allowing them to step over it .
17 Many Scottish freeholders were involved in colonial trade and the plantation economy of the West Indies and , as might be expected , they saw their member of parliament 's influence in London as a route to obtaining the advantages which they desired in the colonies .
18 The tenants of his lands both here and at Snodland also had to collect blackberries which they carried to the Palace in exchange for grain , the berries were then used in the wine , both as colouring and sweetening .
19 Originally they were red and white , then green and ivory in the original style ; after the 1936 rebuilding they adopted the cream railcoach livery which they carried throughout the War until 1945 , when they adopted the wartime green livery with broad cream flare .
20 They claimed their car , which they parked outside the house , had broken down .
21 They had muddy boots which they kicked against the kitchen step , and muddy hands which they washed at the sink .
22 Apart from this scrutiny of military matters , of disputed effectiveness , the Assemblies also discussed military , financial and diplomatic support for the Palestinians , which they offered on the condition that the recipients of aid should strive for the unity of the Palestinian forces .
23 On a fine spring morning the three grandsons got up early and went out to look at the bee-hives which they kept in the forest .
24 It will examine both their societies and the resources ( human , economic and military ) with which they embarked on the war .
25 Their Bible appears in only one edition , the highly successful New International Version , which they licensed from the world 's largest bible publishers , Zondervan .
26 On his six-week tour of the provinces in August and September 1858 , the tsar encountered a spectrum of opinions which ranged from Tver " on the left , where Unkovskii was at least as radical as Nikolai Miliutin , to Nizhnii Novgorod on the right , where the local gentry wanted serfs to pay not only for any property which they received in the event of emancipation , but even for the freedom of their bodies ( which the gentry did not own ) .
27 Wealthy friends who still held him in high regard as a man , raised money and set the family up in a 500 acre property which they arranged in the names of Mrs. Piper and the children .
28 The party as a whole proved the reality of its patriotism from the first days of the war , and the logic of this continuation from peacetime was underlined by the speed with which Ulster Unionists rallied to the flag in 1914 , and the gallantry with which they died on the Somme in 1916 .
29 Such as the attack which they mounted from the countryside of the city of Chang Sha which is also in this er in the same sort of area where the old er where the Communist Party had had its main strength .
30 Now , belatedly , they tried to take them by force , an exercise in which they failed despite the loss of tens of thousands of irreplaceable soldiers .
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