Example sentences of "[Wh det] you [vb base] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Follow the signposts through the farm and onto the drive which you follow to the main road .
2 It is entirely tied up with the intensity of interest or desire which you apply to the various things you do .
3 PERHAPS the most extraordinary thing about parenting is the speed with which you bond with the nondescript bundle presented to you in the delivery room .
4 Er it 's really is to follow on from this debate that we 're having about what should happen if a shortfall occurs , erm and we 've heard , I 've been listening carefully to your views about er the way in which you agree with the Good Committee that a shortfall is an employers debt , the employers responsibility to meet that shortfall and we 've been talking about that shortfall should be met , but the Good Committee also concluded that er pensioners should not be regarded as preferential creditors erm and you also agreed with that .
5 ‘ There is n't the depth of strength which you find in the best labs in the States or in Japan .
6 This latter step emphasizes the importance which you attach to the whole process .
7 Say what you like about the first-past-the-post system , but it does let you know who has actually won each seat .
8 It is essential to do this while the interview is still fresh in your mind and before you see someone else who will inevitably erase what you remember of the previous applicant .
9 Tell me what you know about the Medieval Circle . ’
10 Yet the final equation of what you can afford to spend on a new car is likely to be influenced by what you get for the old one .
11 Write in and let us know what you think about the new law changes — we will be looking at them in greater detail in next month 's issue .
15 ‘ Now you really must tell us what you think of the Abyssinian question , Mr Tyler , ’ Brenda Waters said as soon as Edith had withdrawn .
16 Officially , Spain starts just over the top , but this is a Spanish landscape , dry and rough compared with most of what you see on the wetter , French side of the mountains .
17 What you see on the left-hand side of the centre line , you knit on the left-hand side of the machine .
18 The classes certainly do not mirror what you see on the British ballet stage , especially at the Royal Ballet .
19 The interviews were around a series of suggested topics : ‘ The say that you have in decisions which affect young disabled people 's education and lives , and what limits the say that you have ’ ; ‘ The say that others have ’ ; ‘ The say that young people themselves have ’ ; ‘ The implications of ‘ disability ’ on the decision-making that determines young people 's education and lives ’ ; and ‘ What you see as the main priorities in terms of who has what say and in working with others in future decisions . ’
20 so , so lust is what you feel for the wrong one ?
21 Do n't underestimate the police because of what you read in the upmarket papers . ’
22 I do n't care what you do with the other bods but see that the civilian gets some attention , will you ?
23 What you do for the first two years is you learn all the theory of being a doctor and you go and you have to between eight of you , learn all about a body you have one body between of you and you learn all about all the muscles and the nerves
24 That is actually saying to the Q S , you 've now got authority to come in to B E S and effectively do what you do on the civil side .
25 The whole program is based on a system of menus and sub menus , so whatever you select from the main menu will in most cases lead you to a sub menu , which may in turn lead you to another sub menu and so on , until the necessary choices have been made .
26 Whatever you see on the right-hand side of the centre-line , you knit on the right-hand side of your machine .
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