Example sentences of "[Wh det] they be [adj] to be " in BNC.

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1 Does it even speak from some recognition , however disavowed , that police practices transgress the ‘ rules of civilized conduct ’ which they are supposed to be upholding , and nowhere more obviously than in their treatment of black people ?
2 In the area of hypertext , the choice of which particular system to use is essentially a pragmatic one ; many of the available ones display appropriate behaviour at the depth to which they are likely to be investigated .
3 A virtue of the postclassical perspective is that , although it too is concerned with differences in individual dispositions towards crime , it allows more readily for changes in such dispositions , and for a more dynamic relationship between them and the situations in which they are likely to be activated .
4 On the morning of the days on which they were due to be announced , the dealing manager of DPR Futures would scream at the AEs : " This is it .
5 The Royal Navy relieved these men of the burden of privileged birth , gave them a peer-group of brother officers and an isolated , artificial microcosm of society in which they were free to be themselves .
6 He wondered if the fact that there were no tracks in the direction from which they were supposed to be coming would be noticed , and thought not .
7 Slicing already inadequate budgets down to the lowest possible level would reduce care managers ' ability to respond flexibly to user need at the very point at which they were supposed to be maximising choice .
8 They also regarded their influence as a finite resource to be husbanded , used on major issues , and not frittered away on minor skirmishes or issues on which they were likely to be in a minority in Cabinet .
9 And if your child is dyslexic , reassure them that they are not the only child , there are other children who share this problem , that they in fact are not stupid , or mad — and quite often they think they are mad , they can understand what is wrong with them because they do n't really understand what they 're supposed to be doing .
10 Sports programmes do not see this as part of what they are supposed to be doing .
11 Teachers also confess that , for the first time , they now know what they are supposed to be teaching and ( thanks to the elaborate assessment targets ) how well they are teaching it .
12 ( To ROS and GUIL ) We always use the same costumes more or less , and they forget what they are supposed to be in you see …
13 Nicholson had completed his scenes , having been kicked to death by two marauding red-necks , leaving Captain America and Billy the Kid to continue their journey to New Orleans for the Mardi Gras , their adventures in a brothel and the LSD scene which took a week to shoot because no one could focus on what they were supposed to be doing .
14 — If he got the answers he expected , that Rhoda had kept William Egan 's money in some hiding place and that Roxie had been looking after her brother 's moneybags , and that all three women had been spending what they were supposed to be hoarding , then he knew what was causing the atmosphere he had picked up at Roxie 's house .
15 He was getting a bit frustrated , they did n't really know what they were supposed to be doing .
16 I stretch up with the bundle of sticks , thread and cardboard fairies ( or angels or whatever they 're supposed to be ) .
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