Example sentences of "[Wh det] have been [vb pp] from [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Created God is the mental image of a storehouse of ‘ goodness ’ which has been extracted from two sources , evolution and civilisation .
2 This does not include information which has been leaked from such sources , nor does it include unauthorised and off-the-cuff comments made by junior officials .
3 One part of the Report which has been expanded from previous years is the section summarising the statistics of entries and results for National Certificate and Advanced Courses .
4 This project will test a theory of how people recognize objects and pictures , which has been developed from previous work by the author and supported by the ESRC The theory helps us to understand ; 1 .
5 Beta Boo¨tis ( 3.5 ) is the nearest fairly bright star to the radiant of the meteor shower seen in early January , known as the Quadrantid shower because this was the region of a constellation , Quadrans ( the Quadrant ) which was proposed by J. E. Bode in 1775 but which has been deleted from modern maps .
6 The revenue is so desperate now because of this change in banks and building societies have left people not knowing what the situation is , and er there are millions , I 'm , I 'm not exaggerating there are twelve million , over two million pounds is being spent by the revenue on a new tax-back advert , sorry I did exaggerate , the idea is to remind about ten million people on all , on low income , that they could claim back tax which has been deducted from taxed savings .
7 The other comes from the information which has been derived from earlier parts of a discourse , and which is specific to that discourse — we will call this a specific context effect .
8 Erm in the last year or so , erm , one has been confronted with this idea which has been promoted from certain quarters that the water space is entirely unmanaged .
9 Or you could use a text which has been translated from one medium into another .
10 Mr Heseltine has long advocated an extension of such agencies to other British regions , and Sir Geoffrey 's new-found support could signal Cabinet debate on industrial policy — an issue which has been omitted from this week 's conference agenda .
11 The public-sector borrowing requirement ( PSBR ) , which had been reduced from 17.9 per cent of gross domestic product ( GDP ) in 1985 to 13.2 per cent in 1987 , rose again , to an estimated 21.5 per cent of GDP in 1989 .
12 I remember asking on the shop floor of a division , the board of which had been reduced from fifteen to four , what the major difference was This was not because the fifteen previous board members had felt to be down the line , and was told , to my surprise , that the biggest difference was that they now knew what was going on .
13 The recognizances which had been required from several of the most powerful nobles gave the regime an effective hold over them , and none of the movements against Mortimer had gained the support of the king himself .
14 Factories which had been switched from military production because of cuts in defence spending were instructed to meet these needs , and it was decided to supplement the 36,000 Interior Ministry troops by diverting new conscripts from Army work .
15 He was arrested three weeks later in possession of a giro cheque which had been stolen from another woman mugged in nearby Old Kent Road .
16 This latter is the product of teaching which uses for its arbiter of right and wrong , contentious standards which have been produced from long established religions which in turn claim to have mystic knowledge of right and wrong supplied by some extraterrestrial and undefined ‘ god ’ .
17 Thus , both sides have tended to use social scientific research to make statements in general about catholic schools which have been drawn from other countries and , therefore , beyond the cultural confines within which Irish catholic schools exist .
18 What Mr Byrne 's unpleasant and excitable letter omitted , and what has been omitted from all subsequent debate , is that Mr Smith is unanswerably the only serious contender offering himself for the leadership .
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