Example sentences of "[Wh det] have [verb] in [noun prp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A look at this shy and distinctive creature which has lived in Britain for thousands of years and featured in many favourite stories but is rarely seen in its natural habitat .
2 On the face of it there are more contrasts than resemblances between , for example , the brand of empirical and then linguistic philosophy which has predominated in England in recent decades , the existentialist thought which has led the way in western Europe , and the critical reflection on human history and society on a broadly Marxist basis which has naturally held sway in communist countries , but more recently come more to the fore in the west as well .
3 The preoccupation with providing for widows is one outcome of the high marriage rate for women which has persisted in Britain since World War 11 .
4 However , it did not prevent , in the winter of 1921–2 , an appalling famine afflicting the southern districts of the Ukraine , ‘ the worst ’ , a League of Nations report declared , ‘ both as regards the numbers affected and as regards the mortality from starvation and disease which has occurred in Europe in modern times ’ .
5 A political storm which had developed in September around the proposed sale of 35 small islands in the Bay of Argolis and the Saronic Gulf abated after a government official , Byron Polydoras , on Oct. 14 assured journalists that the proposals had been that " certain rocky islets " should be leased — not sold — " on a long-term basis for tourist development " .
6 They were helped by trends of thought which had developed in Greece in the fourth century .
7 These reflected the extraordinary complexity of the political situation which had developed in Yugoslavia during the years of the German occupation , when different ethnic , religious and political groups had formed shifting alliances , according to whether their main enemy at any time had seemed to be the occupying Germans or Tito 's partisans working to establish a Socialist state in post-war Yugoslavia .
8 Once baptised in the fiery power of the Spirit which had been in Jesus , the disciples at once interpret it as the fulfilment of Joel 's prophecy about the availability of the Spirit in the last days , and proclaim the good news to the representative crowd from ‘ every nation under heaven ’ which had gathered in Jerusalem for the feast of Pentecost ( 2:16ff ) .
9 At the same time he went through all books which had appeared in England on these sciences .
10 That year , therefore , saw the re-establishment of a principle which had existed in Scotland for centuries , namely ‘ the arrangement by which the formation of the records is committed to one set of officers and the custody of them to another ’ ( Conveyancing Lectures , Menzies , 2nd Edn , 1856 , p 165 ) .
11 In a general election on May 9 , 1987 , the Nationalist Party narrowly defeated the Labour Party which had governed in Malta for the previous 16 years .
12 Four days later the Military Council , which had ruled in Georgia since the flight of Zviad Gamsakhurdia in January [ see pp. 38731-32 ] , transferred its legislative and executive powers to a newly created State Council of which Shevardnadze was to be the chair .
13 Talks between the ruling AP and the opposition MNR , CONDEPA and MBL , which had been convoked to resolve a political crisis which had arisen in November over the political role played by the Supreme court , many of whose members were linked with the MNR [ see pp. 37851-52 ] , broke down in March 1991 .
14 Of meetings which had begun in London in 1645 , the mathematician John Wallis could say : These remarks indicate the scope that existed by the mid-seventeenth century for differentiation between the sciences .
15 The shambling uprising of anti-war Guevara-dreamers which had begun in Cambridge in October 1967 with a demonstration against Harold Wilson , leading to some skirmishing with police , had spread through the universities of the country .
16 Fighting which had begun in August between Georgian troops and Abkhazian separatists in the autonomous region of Abkhazia threatened in September to draw Russia into conflict with Georgia .
17 He had reportedly criticized the kingdom 's policies in his Friday prayer sermons , opposed the presence of US troops , and put his name to a collective letter by a group of Moslem clerics to the country 's supreme theologian , Sheikh Abdel-Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz , expressing opposition to the US-sponsored Middle East peace conference which had begun in Madrid in October 1991 .
18 By comparison , the death toll during the period of unrest which had begun in Soweto in June 1976 [ see pp. 27886-88 ] and had lasted until October 1977 , had been 700 .
19 The new law , passed by the US Senate on Sept. 20 [ see p. 39090 ] and the House of Representatives on Oct. 2 , made it illegal for the subsidiaries of US companies based anywhere in the world to trade with Cuba , and closed US ports to any ship which had called in Cuba within the previous six months .
20 In 1777 a group of Korean scholars sat down to study some Catholic books which had arrived in Korea from Japan .
21 The US airline Pan American , which had filed in January for protection from its creditors under Chapter 11 of the US insolvency code [ see p. 37953 ] , saw its prospects improve with an acceptance by the United Kingdom government ( confirmed on March 11 ) that it could in effect sell its rights to routes into London 's Heathrow airport to United Airlines for $290,000,000 ; United began its Heathrow services on April 5 .
22 The heads of state and government of the European Communities ( EC ) held a summit meeting in Maastricht , the Netherlands , on Dec. 9-10 , to conclude the year-long parallel intergovernmental conferences on European political union ( EPU ) and economic and monetary union ( EMU ) which had opened in Rome in December 1990 [ see p. 37905-06 ] .
23 It followed two days of intensive talks at the fifth round of inter-Korean Premiers ' talks which had opened in Seoul on Dec. 10 [ for fourth round see pp. 38529-30 ] .
24 The zeal for the development of spiritual life , which had flowered in Europe from the tenth to the twelfth centuries , had resulted in the reform of the Benedictine monasticism of the West and the emergence of Orders — Cluniac , Cistercian and Carthusian — committed to living apart in various communal ways which stressed above all the individual inner spiritual growth of their members .
25 His move signalled some healing of a serious rift in the party , which had deepened in July during the passage of legislation on the media , when five ministers belonging to De Mita 's left-wing faction of the party had resigned from the government [ see p. 37624 ] .
26 Unlike the euphoric articles which have appeared in Germany on this subject , the response in Russia has been more muted .
27 They were victims of the upsurge in political executions which have occurred in Iraq since the end of the Iran/Iraq war .
28 Speaking on implementing the guidelines laid down by the fifth plenum , government spokesperson Yuan Mu said on Nov. 22 : " The main problem behind the many mistakes which have occurred in China in the past lies within the party and it is therefore necessary first to focus attention on the party itself in solving the problem " ( of " dilution and weakening of party leadership , neglect of ideological and political work , and neglect of the building of party style " ) .
29 There are two views of what has happened in Russia in the past few years .
30 If the hon. Gentleman looks at what has happened in Europe in the past decade — in France , Belgium , Denmark , Sweden and Italy — he will see that all those countries have devolved their powers down to regional authorities .
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