Example sentences of "[Wh det] he [verb] [modal v] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 However this was a matter which he thought might be resolved at the trial .
2 He believed , however , that these difficulties would vanish when the ‘ language of books ’ and the ‘ language of men ’ became much more alike — a process which he thought would be hastened by the practice of dictating instead of writing ( Huey , 1908 ) .
3 He had been at a ‘ knickers-off ’ party which he heard might be raided by the police .
4 Mr Clinton made no mention of any other countries joining in the operation , which he said would be co-ordinated with existing United Nations relief efforts .
5 On an official visit to the Soviet Union on March 11-16 President Özal broached the subject of a Black Sea economic co-operation zone , which he said might be extended to include those Soviet republics in which Turkic languages were spoken .
6 But Mr Crandall said the company will not seek concessions because that would hurt employee morale , which he said must be maintained in a service business .
7 He knew the danger of backsliding and kept watch on the average age of the team , which he believed should be reduced each season , and on the form of each individual in it .
8 ’ 'This meant , ’ so Balfour advised , ‘ a working arrangement with Asquith , which he believed could be done without loss of dignity or authority . ’
9 He worried over the pace of his build-up , which he knew should be quickened though resources for this were severely limited .
10 To decide what was intended , Ulpian says that first the habits of the testator and then the region in which he lived must be considered , but in addition his intention and the status or intimacy of the beneficiary as well as the dispositions adjacent in the will .
11 Eventually , Lenin had somehow to explain why the changes in the nature of public administration , which he hoped would be brought about by the revolution , had not materialized .
12 A useful if rather schematic starting-point is Lawton 's ( 1983 ) division of cultures into eight aspects or sub-systems which he argues can be used to analyse any culture : the social system , economic system , communication system , rationality system , technology system , morality system , belief system and aesthetic system .
13 Sir Francis Walsingham , Secretary of State to Queen Elizabeth , though himself a Puritan , was so impressed with Andrewes ' abilities , which he considered would be wasted in a country parish , that he caused him to be appointed Vicar of St Giles-without-Cripplegate in London , and at the same time prebend of St Paul 's Cathedral and chaplain both to the Queen and to the Archbishop of Canterbury .
14 On May 28 in a speech to the UNIP national council , Kaunda again criticized the multiparty system as likely to lead to " tribal conflicts " , but promised that there would be a free vote in the nationwide referendum which he proposed should be held on the issue [ see p. 37523 ] .
15 If that is the case , and if in these circumstances the [ defendant ] is guilty of theft , it must follow that anyone who obtains goods in return for a cheque which he knows will be dishonoured on presentation , or indeed by way of any other similar pretence , would be guilty of theft .
16 If that is the case , and if in these circumstances the appellant is guilty of theft , it must follow that anyone who obtains goods in return for a cheque which he knows will be dishonoured on presentation , or indeed by way of any other similar pretence , would be guilty of theft .
17 A leading client who is a major manufacturer of toiletries wishes to expand into higher priced , bigger margin and smaller volume markets which he believes can be reached through existing distribution channels .
18 It had been four days since the of worlder had said what he thought would be required , and still parin had not provided his answer .
19 They all knew what he thought should be done ; the Founders were on a ‘ disaster course ’ if they fudged it .
20 Also in 1985 , one former PGCE tutor ( Nott , 1985 ) gave a detailed description of what he thought should be included in a PGCE course for foreign languages .
21 ‘ One of the company was called upon often without a word of preparation — to treat on a subject with which he was presumed to be familiar , and so to express himself that what he said could be discussed afterwards .
22 In situations of moral dilemma he does what he considers must be done , even though it involves him in distress and suffering .
23 What it means is that as life ‘ is not a single straight line ’ he does what he thinks must be done and what it is morally possible for him to do in situations of moral dilemma .
24 ‘ There will be a record of the meat he 's used , the meat still in the freezers and what he thinks should be replaced .
25 The focus of his concerns seem to have lain close to tradition , and although what he wrote may be called natural history and social history , such definitions trammel him .
26 A good deal of what he wrote may be taken as a rejection of the ‘ liberal interpretation of history ’ , and indeed of the ‘ liberal humanist tradition ’ in literature ; nevertheless the centre of his story is the Ring and the maxim that ‘ power corrupts ’ , a concept unimpeachably modern , democratic , anti-though not un-heroic .
27 Perot Systems Corp chief Morton Meyerson , one of the candidates for John Akers ' job , has been telling IBM Corp 's directors what he reckons should be done to rescue the company — and it ai n't pretty : according to the Wall Street Journal , he is outlining something very like what we suggested , hiring top people in the appropriate industry segment — Andrew Groves , Michael Dell , Alan Shugart , Scott McNealy , people of that ilk , to run each of the new business units , and if they wo n't come on board , he says , IBM should sell them respectively the chip , personal computer , disk drive and workstation lines of business .
28 He sat in silence , afraid whatever he said would be taken the wrong way , and wished they would leave him in peace .
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