Example sentences of "[Wh det] the [noun prp] [noun] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The younger son , Dr Jochen Medau , is a lecturer at the teaching hospital of Wurzburg University in Coburg ( the town to which the Medau Schule moved in 1954 ) , specialising in intestinal medicine , cardiology , and sports medicine .
2 seaside resort on the north-east coast of Kent to which the Tuggs family went on holiday .
3 Libyan opposition groups claimed that the Libyan leader Col. Moamer al Kadhafi had perpetrated the hoax in order to prevent a US air strike against the plant , which the US government suspected to be producing chemical weapons .
4 Such patriarchates represented a great design of Church government , which the Hildebrandine popes aimed at replacing with a centralized authority .
5 At the premises in Southampton Street , Covent Garden , to which the Boulestin Restaurant moved from Leicester Square there exists still today an establishment which bears Boulestin 's name .
6 It was a happy phrase which made people feel better , and it caught on at once ; and it has remained as a convenient label to cover the series of domestic reforms which the Roosevelt administration introduced between 1933 and 1938 .
7 Inevitably , Leonardo is represented by his drawings , with particular impetus from Giuseppe Bossi 's collection which the Venice Accademia bought from the Abbott Luigi Celotti in 1822 .
8 Kortlandt argues that the formation of the Great Rift Valley system in East Africa combined with the Nile and Zambezi drainage systems to constitute a geographical barrier to the east of which the Dryopithecine apes adapted to a progressive desiccation of the landscape caused by the rise of the Rift mountain ridges in combination with climatic trends .
9 Here are houses of distinction and cottages of charm favoured by lovely trees and gardens , an oasis of greenery in marked contrast to the savage background of rugged heights from which the Gruinard River rushes through a gorge .
10 After the awful strip which the England team wore for the World Cup we saw them back in their traditional all-white kit at Murrayfield .
11 The argument which the United Kingdom based on the opinion of Mr. Advocate General Mischo in Reg. v. Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food , Ex parte Agegate Ltd .
12 In that respect it differed from the European Convention of Human Rights , to which the United Kingdom adhered in November 1950 under the auspices of the Council of Europe and which came into force in September 1953 .
13 The international order the British presided over had no proper place for Germany , but that which the United States brought into being after 1945 has given the Federal Republic a privileged if somewhat constrained position .
14 The international order the British presided over had no proper place for Germany , but that which the United States brought into being after 1945 has given the Federal Republic a privileged if somewhat constrained position .
15 We studied the map to discover that this was a village near Parma , a city in what is known as the Pianura Padana , the great plain in northern Italy through which the River Po flows on its way to the Adriatic .
16 You will gather I mean it caught me unawares , and in fact it disturbed me that having a bit of a wobbly on something as simple as this did not bode well for the Devil 's Ridge , which The Munros book described as a section where ‘ some may welcome the security of a rope ’ .
17 EXOTIC : The richly-adorned guest house in which the Mellor family lived like lords on their fantasy isle
18 Finally , it is worth noting Engle 's remark that the horse on which the Amazon warrior rode into battle represented ‘ a substitute for the phallic power which she envied ’ and ‘ made her feel like a man ’ .
19 The precise way in which the CDD team works with other parts of Government Division is now being discussed by .
20 The critique of positivist ‘ identity-thinking ’ is connected with a second way in which the Frankfurt School diverges from positivism .
21 He frequents a seedy restaurant — ‘ You see this wretched tavern I spend all my time in , and I enjoy it , or rather it 's not that I really enjoy it , but one must have somewhere to perch ’ : this is the form which the Dostoevsky no-home takes with him , likewise the transpersonal motif first voiced by Marmeladov in this novel , that a man must have somewhere to go .
22 The induction into beliefs and values separated from all that is religiously controversial or ill-fitting in a secularist , pluralist world , which the HCF model sees as the focus of RE , is performing a valuable educational service , but it is one which can and should be shared by the school as a whole , and every subject-area in it .
23 Whatever the Cadbury Report achieves in the wider field of corporate governance , it is certainly encouraging much fuller disclosure in interim reports .
24 He looked up from the scroll , thoughtful and faintly frowning : ‘ You know what the Lord Owen writes to me ? ’
25 This action was also reportedly a protest against what the UK government interpreted as Nigeria 's perceived pro-Iraqi position regarding the invasion of Kuwait .
26 What the Paris show lacked in new cars , it made up for with intrigue and imagination , personality and politics .
27 Nevertheless I am quite clear in my mind that the matters ( largely financial ) upon which the mother seeks to rely as constituting an intolerable situation in Australia come nowhere near to establishing what the Hague Convention requires by that phrase .
28 But I think what the Franks Report illustrates to me very , very clearly indeed is that , within a parliamentary democratic system of government , there are some issues which are insoluble in that the government of the day … are incapable of delivering through the House of Commons .
29 But is this triple message , taken home by the Paraclete in the apostolic mission , not precisely what the Johannine Christ proclaims throughout the Gospel , and particularly in a passage like 9:35- 41 ?
30 This semiotic version of the Formalist position is therefore what the Prague School understood by ‘ structuralism ’ in the study of literature .
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