Example sentences of "[Wh det] be [vb pp] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Each topic introduces a maximum of 15 new words which are listed in a clear alphabetical index at the back of the dictionary .
2 We shall postpone until Chapter 3 the task of setting out the full array of intensional patterns which are expressed in the syntactic structures involving English adjectives .
3 There is a set of genes involved in patterning the embryo , the homeobox genes ( Chapter 7 ) , which are expressed in the developing limb buds in just the Way that would suggest that they may encode positional information .
4 Alternative splicing of the messenger RNA generates an array of putative membrane-attached , intracellular and secreted signalling proteins , at least some of which are expressed in the developing spinal cord and brain .
5 Some are originals from the 2 million documents dating back to the early 1600s which are stored in the Hydrographic Office , and some are sophisticated copies made from the originals used 50 years ago .
6 In the psychoanalytic school , there is the notion of the ‘ component instincts ’ which are unified in the complex process of acculturation , though the issue is complicated by a transhistorical concept of the Oedipus complex which , it is argued , is basic to all culture , or in Juliet Mitchell 's version , patriarchal culture .
7 The ‘ collegiate ’ quality of the three-level dwellings which are sited in the topmost section of the nave and which are reached via integral winding staircases is particularly delightful .
8 It involves taking sperm from men and mixing it with their partner 's eggs which are replaced in the Fallopian tube in the GIFT technique — Gamete Intra Fallopian Transfer .
9 We should rather refer to economic processes which are constituted in a particular place , which of course does not make them local .
10 In all , 838 post-1976 imprints were identified , and in 814 instances ( 97% ) the method of acquisition was determined ; in the remaining cases , which principally concerned newspapers and serials — types of publication which are stamped in a different way from monographs — the method of acquisition could not be established in the time available .
11 Pluralism holds that , at least in modern Western democracies , power is not monopolized by a single ruling class but is distributed between a plurality of interest groups of different kinds , which are represented in the political arena by a variety of organizations including political parties .
12 The German researchers took a crystal of tungsten diselenide and cleaved it to expose a layer of tungsten atoms which are arranged in a triangular pattern .
13 The effect of this is to turn us upside-down and virtually blindfold us , since we can no longer see our eyes , which are hidden in the blank space between the mirrors .
14 Traditional Japanese cooking does not have three or four courses as we do , but rather has five distinctive types of dishes — raw , grilled , simmered , stewed or fried — which are presented in a customary order .
15 ‘ See ’ references are generally used to link two terms which represent similar concepts , but which are presented in a different form .
16 The almost exclusive concentration on the formal political process has been replaced by accounts that take in crucial determinants outside this sphere , and which are placed in an explanatory framework that allows links to be made with wider sets of social relations .
17 A lift serves the roomy bedrooms which are furnished in a simple , modern style with balcony .
18 Taxable profits , which are calculated in a similar way to companies ' taxable profits , are treated as personal income to the sole trader , or split between partners in proportion to their share of profits in the year of assessment .
19 In order to make the modification of modules consistent , DCs are automatically generated as ‘ Agreed ’ DCs for all new module names which are created in a single transaction with LIFESPAN .
20 In order to make the modification of modules consistent , DCs are automatically generated in state AGREED for all new module names which are created in a single transaction with LIFESPAN .
21 The Chairman then signs ( and dates his signature ) the official minutes , which are kept in an official minute book with the minutes of all previous meetings .
22 However , combining the results suggests that approaching one in ten of local sexual attacks , which are mentioned in the local press , may also be mentioned in the national press .
23 Potential investors use others , some of which are published in the national press .
24 Potential investors use others , some of which are published in the national press .
25 We all know frames of mirrors or rococo pictures which are decorated in an asymmetrical and extravagant style .
26 Those of us who have been here since 1987 have a sense of fortune in being involved in the tremendous and dramatic changes in the world scene , which are reflected in the Gracious Speech .
27 Many of the distinctive properties of polymers are a consequence of the long chain lengths , which are reflected in the large molar masses of these substances .
28 Syntax covers the grammatical structure of groups , clauses , and sentences : the linear sequences of classes of words such as noun , verb , adverb , and adjective , and functional elements such as subject , predicator , and object , which are allowed in a given language .
29 The reasoned , the reasoned proposals which are contained in a very thought out amen which has in fact contains ideas submitted by many different people of different persuasions to try and ensure that ideas could be erm worked at solidly does break the endless delays .
30 The spicules are chitinous organs , usually paired , which are inserted in the female genital opening , during copulation .
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