Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb -s] that [pron] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The evidence for Richard Middleton 's membership of Gloucester 's household comes from his marriage licence , which shows that he was marrying within the Percy connection .
2 The evidence for Richard Middleton 's membership of Gloucester 's household comes from his marriage licence , which shows that he was marrying within the Percy connection .
3 Nevertheless , the document was still consulted in the early thirteenth century , which shows that it was regarded as an important statement of custom .
4 They are all above the £92,500 ceiling which requires that they be advertised throughout the European Community .
5 If these three are all to be included , the remaining eight players must al be able to bat well , which means that we are looking for at least three allrounders , including the wicketkeeper .
6 Recruitment policies are not touched on , with one brief prewar exception ( p. 10 ) , which means that we are kept in ignorance of the kinds of men and women ( reputedly mostly Oxbridge dons ) who augmented MI5 's strength and clearly had a great impact on its whole character and competence at the beginning of the war .
7 A limited number of ISE member firms are registered market makers in options , which means that they are required to make a market in classes of ISE listed traded options .
8 The problem for the students to some extent , is being compounded by the withdrawal of housing benefit , which means that they 're paying the full cost of rents in the private sector , whereas before they might have been getting ten , twelve even , more pounds a week refunded to them through the housing benefit scheme .
9 I still have to carry water to her because sometimes she wo n't come out of the byre and follow her mother , which means that she is left all on her own .
10 Athens raised Potidaia 's tribute from six to fifteen talents as early as the period 438–434 , which means that she was pressurizing Potidaia ( ‘ encroaching ’ on allies of the Peloponnesians ) much earlier than Thucydides implies .
11 Since the uncle is the boy 's heir , this shows that the jurist must regard a transmissible interest in the estate as having vested in the boy before his death ; which means that he is taking dies cedens to have passed , although the boy has not lived until age sixteen ; and that in turn means that he is interpreting the trust as subject not to a condition but to a term ( dies ) .
12 ‘ there must be something in the nature of a criminal intent of the kind which means that it is done with the idea of some form of hostility to the police with the intention of seeing that what is done is to obstruct , and that it is not enough merely to show that he intended to do what he did and that it did in fact have the result of the police being obstructed . ’
13 It is entirely land-locked , which means that it is bordered in all directions by other countries — Zambia , Zimbabwe , Namibia and South Africa .
14 Some say that the breed originated in Wales from a cross between local cattle at Castle Farm in Brecon with Castlemartins from Pembrokeshire , which means that it is related to neighbouring Glamorgan , Gloucester and Welsh Black breeds .
15 And it is the fact of being the written form which means that it is used not only in Britain but by all writers of English throughout the world , with remarkably little variation .
16 I have outlined one possible approach to reading discourses , whether racist or antiracist , which suggests that what is going on in and between them may be more complex and contradictory than is often allowed .
17 These elements provide the " opera " with authenticity and a resonance which suggests that we are viewing nothing less than the destiny of the human race in the 20th century , and afterwards .
18 A younger man , I think — younger than Summerchild himself ; there is a firmness behind Summerchild 's deference which suggests that he is addressing someone not too senior — certainly one who has not yet served in the world of Royal Commissions and advisory units .
19 To be preferred is the Scottish king-list , which claims that he was captured and blinded by King Edgar , dying in Rescobie ( Angus , Tayside ) ; the annals of Tigernach confirm this by noting that he was blinded in 1099 , probably the date of his death .
20 A simple combination of a selected focus with one of the modes of argument outlined above would be an essay with a focus on Ralph Ellison 's Invisible Man [ focus ( ii ) ] , which argues that it is underrated as a novel and indicates why it should be seen as a greater achievement [ mode of argument ( a ) ] .
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