Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb mod] be [vb pp] to a " in BNC.

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1 A person whom there are grounds to suspect of an offence must be cautioned before any questions about it ( or further questions if it is his answers to previous questions that provide grounds for suspicion ) are put to him for the purpose of obtaining evidence which may be given to a court in a prosecution .
2 ‘ A person whom there are grounds to suspect of an offence must be cautioned before any questions about it ( or further questions if it is his answers to previous questions that provide grounds for suspicion ) are put to him for the purpose of obtaining evidence which may be given to a court in a prosecution .
3 Apart from the El Chichón cloud , the most intriguing aspect of this record is a pair of dips in January and March 1982 , before El Chichón erupted , which may be related to a ‘ mystery cloud ’ of material in the stratosphere .
4 In each case , if I am to claim that this revelation or experience is of ‘ God ’ , and is not simply an expression of some form of mental delusion which should be referred to a psychoanalyst , then I am forced to debate the interpretation that I am giving .
5 The pressure which must be applied to a solution to prevent this flow across the membrane is called the osmotic pressure .
6 Now the existence and significance of such links is undeniable ( though the existence of homologies — as Shepherd describes them — is a different question , which must be left to a later chapter ) .
7 Hood has standardised on modular 386DXs , which might be upgraded to a 486DX by a single board swap .
8 We can not say how many of these are primarily curricular in nature , and how many were motivated by the prospects of additional money which might be attached to a statement under local formula funding arrangements .
9 preferred to play safe and order bodies which could be transferred to a narrow gauge system if the standard gauge system for which they were ordered proved a failure .
10 Here were good and robust buildings , loved by local residents , which could be converted to a range of uses , but were to be demolished and replaced with mediocre high street architecture .
11 For the authors of this study there was a clear expectation that individuals would commonly produce patterned responses which could be ascribed to a particular personality type .
12 Both had wash-basins , one of which could be changed to a kitchen sink .
13 Pemberton-Billing 's invention comprised an add-on governor mechanism which could be attached to a clockwork turntable to give this effect ( 49 ) , and a few dozen records were made which more than doubled the average playing-time .
14 Long & agrell ( 1965 ) and Sippel & glover ( 1965 ) both published descriptions of such a device , which could be attached to a petrographic microscope for examination of thin sections .
15 Population attributable risks , not adjusted for other factors , estimate the proportion of deaths explained by exposure to the risk factor , and the relative attributable risks estimate the percentage of the excess risk in Maori , compared with non-Maori , which could be attributed to a higher exposure to the risk factor in Maori children .
16 Paul Devereux has called these lines ‘ geomantic corridors ’ , where the same standards of straightness which would be applied to a traditional ley are inappropriate .
17 Efforts to secure a ceasefire have so far failed to halt the clashes , which began when Serb nationalists launched an offensive to carve out a separate state which would be attached to a truncated Yugoslavia after Bosnia won international recognition .
18 A commission was appointed to draw up a new constitution which would be put to a referendum in mid-1990 .
19 He was then granted full power for six months as well as authority to draw up a new constitution , which would be put to a popular referendum for ratification .
20 Chung moo pattern 1 : The rear foot stance is adopted with the hands ready for a twin knife block ( left ) which will be changed to a leading hand block during a 360° jump ( above ) 2 .
21 West-Burnham in chapter 6 outlines an analysis which can be applied to a wide range of situations from the individual project to a whole school programme .
22 The boolean functions which can be applied to a single bit position can then be extended to what are called logical operations on the whole word .
23 1 A body of systematic and generalized knowledge which can be applied to a variety of problems .
24 The fact that the rational expectations hypothesis is a free-standing set of criteria which can be applied to a wide variety of macroeconomic models was rarely grasped by early Keynesian critics .
25 The combination of the Rasakumbha , which can be likened to a battery , the metal disc on which the yantras are inscribed , or the gems along the spine acting as chakras or energy absorption and distribution points , the sound vibrations of the mantras or bells , results in an emission of electrical energy from the head of the idol .
26 Rupert Sheldrake , a Cambridge biochemist and author of A New Science of Life and The Presence of the Past , formulated his theory of morphogenetic fields which can be likened to a blueprint for determining biological processes and creating forms .
27 It consists of a strong moulded plastic housing , which can be clamped to a board or bench , using the slots provided .
28 Usually , this is mounted on a block of wood , which can be fixed to a bench or held between the knees .
29 Working within an embassy office or the regional office of a multilateral bank it is not difficult for donors ' staff to come up with a list of potential projects which can be presented to a recipient country 's ministry of finance for discussion .
30 One example is the third-century kiln at Godmanchester , which can be related to a building in Pinfold Lane , while a clay-floored structure at Hacheston was interestingly associated with both a third-century kiln producing grey wares and an iron-smithing furnace .
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