Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb mod] [vb infin] be [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Further to the east , there was a Minoan settlement at Rethymnon which may have been a port .
2 The indications are that Aethelred needed to involve leading members of the Bernician aristocracy with his court , which may have been an element in his undoing .
3 There are about nine records but only four for this century : an immature was seen near Lancing College on 12 December 1954 , which may have been an escape ; an immature was found dead at Rye on 29 September 1969 ; a sub-adult was seen at Sidlesham Ferry on 27 May 1970 .
4 Population had not previously exceeded five million and growth had seldom exceeded 0.5 per cent per year , which may have been the maximum that the underlying economy could sustain ( Lee 1986 ) .
5 Which may have been the reason , but also sounded like a threat .
6 In the centre was Gemioncourt farm which should have been a fortress to hold up the French , but was now empty because the Belgian guns and infantry had fled straight past the farm , thus yielding its strong walls and loopholed barns to the enemy .
7 This motion was triggered by a particular case which happened within the Birmingham region on the first of January nineteen ninety three which should have been a start of the European Market the people 's Europe .
8 If a company chairman described trading as ‘ bad ’ in his address to the annual general meeting , and then later told an analyst it was ‘ very bad ’ , and if the analyst then advised clients to sell , would that be inside information which should have been the subject of a further statement to the Stock Exchange ?
9 For a start he 'd given up being a hippie , which must have been a relief to the Fish , not only professionally but because it meant the Fish could play Charlie soul records — Otis Redding and all — the only music he liked .
10 They met with little armed resistance ( which must have been a relief to Louis , who had little confidence in his own military skill ) , and gained considerable incidental profit : the king 's person was seen in an area unvisited since the reign of Louis IV ; the counts of Nevers , Chalon , and Mâcon were brought to heel ; Burgundian lords appealed for the king 's mediation in their quarrels ( he also sought theirs ) ; the count of Forez , hitherto only a vassal of the Emperor , declared his most important castles to be held as fief of the crown of France , the first step in the integration of Forez into the French realm .
11 It remains another convincing saltire design , bordered by elaborate chain-guilloche : a mosaic which must have been the work of at least one craftsman who had experience at Verulamium and Colchester .
12 The example from Bartók 's Fourth Quartet illustrates this method , which must have been the composer 's way of working in many parts of the work .
13 They showed some decline in the 1931 Census ( to 48 per cent and 8 per cent respectively ) , part of which must have been the result of high general levels of unemployment in the depths of the inter-war depression .
14 The memorial marks a striking turnabout in the men 's approach to composing machines , which must have been the result of a fairly recent appreciation of the double threat posed by women Monotype operators .
15 More detailed examination shows that the burial at Cnoc na Faire , Ardnave , contained the skeleton of a girl and under her there was a rusty object which might have been a spear head .
16 Len did n't answer , then a sound that could have been a sigh or which might have been a sob escaped his lips , a sound full of despair .
17 The bailiffs of Sir Thomas Lovell at Ryhall , wealthy men worth £80 apiece , each owned three harnesses which might have been the property of their master .
18 To nobody 's surprise , they discovered extremely high levels of anaemia , diabetes , bronchial disorder and child deaths — which might have been the result of poor diet , pollution and the general mess of the Soviet economy .
19 The volatility was exemplified in 1989 by his 20 per cent holding in the Pearson Group , which might have been the basis of a takeover bid .
20 Murray 's new all-comers ' mark was one of six set on Saturday — along with Olympic champion Maksim Tarasov 's 5.81m pole vault , Jon Edwards 's 17.16m triple jump and Michael Johnson 's incredible 400m in 45.14 , which could have been a world record if he had not eased up .
21 If he turned and looked at her , she might have to give a straight reply , but to his narrow back , which could have been the back of a much younger man , she began to tease , in the way that she had learned so many of her new friends liked , when they made similar inquiries too , like the painter who 'd lain on her bed and asked her earnestly if she 'd ever experienced simultaneous orgasm , or the musician who 'd volunteered he 'd show her a ‘ perversion ’ he was sure nobody would have demonstrated to her before , and began nuzzling between her legs .
22 I am certainly not impotent which would have been a worry .
23 BP and its partners , who have been licensed by the Government to drill for oil in the area , have consulted closely with the Trust and have ruled out the easiest and cheapest development option , which would have been a ten-acre onshore site at Studland .
24 It is hardly surprising , then , that one observer thought this such ‘ a scene of riot , confusion , destruction of property , and injury to persons which would have been a disgrace to a savage land ’ .
25 This would have probably entailed working involuntary overtime , possibly long , awkward hours and , almost certainly , making a physical input , one consequence of which would have been a limit on the amount of time spent with the children and energy contributed to their amusement .
26 ( See also Sunley ( 1990 ) , and note that Griffin does not accept the above interpretation , but rather prefers one which sees the Nottinghamshire miners as determined to avoid splits within the union , which would have been the case if the rule-book , specifically Rule 43 — p. 107 — had been adhered to in 1984 . )
27 It was much harder to imagine Pascoe taking gloves and a knife with him when he went to MacQuillan 's office and creeping up behind him , and there was no evidence of a struggle between the dead man and his attacker which would have been the case if the killer had not approached from behind .
28 However , because of the serious recession of the early 1990s , especially in the South East , the government decided in its Budget of 1992 to keep the increase for 1992/3 down to the current inflation rate of only 4.1 % , instead of the 24.1 % which would have been the maximum ‘ phasing in ’ amount payable .
29 One drawback which will remain is the burner 's incompatibility with other types of resealable gas canisters .
30 All this not because these are inherently interesting and broadly educative studies ( though they are ) but because they are in the mid-eighties , whatever may have been the case at an earlier period , indispensable .
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