Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb mod] [adv] [adv] [vb infin] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Merleau-Ponty 's argument thus meant acknowledging a certain equivocalness in Marxist claims to truth , which could no longer claim exemption from critical examination , and led inevitably , therefore , to an early form of what , even then , was characterized as ‘ post-Marxism ’ .
2 So all winter Wilson wrote only of Pilade and of Mr Landor , innocent gossipy letters which would most likely bore Ellen but not alarm her .
3 In adjacent streets , there are disused and even derelict buildings which would far better repay investment .
4 The ‘ mature ’ writer not only survives those renunciations , they help constitute his art , an art which will always finally take priority over the plight of the other even if , as was the case with Gide , it also succeeds in mitigating it .
5 For a terrible equation prevailed : that which would ultimately save the human race — the evolution of a higher consciousness — was , in its long and vulnerable gestation , exactly what could so easily destroy humanity by letting it be corrupted , polluted , warped and ruined .
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