Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb mod] [verb] be [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 Leaders of ambulance crews argue that their industrial action , in protest at a 6.5 per cent pay offer , has exposed the lack of personnel which may have been responsible for the deaths .
2 When it came , the eruption was of massive proportions and deposited a great thickness of ash which completely buried the town , and it set off great tidal waves which may have been responsible for the termination of the Minoan civilization by ravaging the coastal towns all around Crete .
3 This represents a major step forward in unlocking the commercial potential of our inner cities and of breathing new life into areas which may have been derelict for many years .
4 They also got very noisy , which must have been galling for Ron , standing out in the wind and rain supervising the keen members of his squad .
5 Although he lacked the control over the southern kingdoms which might have put him on Bede 's famous list of kings holding imperium in the south , he remained a formidable ruler , with the resources to endow the church lavishly and to raise the navy which must have been necessary for his invasion of Ireland .
6 An itch of fascination at this utterly different , aberrant creature twisted within Lexandro , into rage — at the sly , inhuman intelligence which must have been responsible for the loss of those brave champions of Humanity who now lay lifeless in caskets .
7 Where there were departures from the common pattern special circumstances could often be identified which might have been responsible for the deviation .
8 Ashton thus created a special style fur a particular character which summed up — as it were — her whole being , but which would have been unsuitable for any other ballet .
9 The system has also been ported to an MS-DOS environment , an operation which would have been impossible for the rule-based system .
10 Because of that prominence , it proved difficult to develop that element of compromise and bargaining which would have been essential for integrative success .
11 He had wanted a short Report , with strong emphasis on grammar , spelling and punctuation , which would have been easy for parents to read .
12 Their mutual nature also explains why , until 1983 , the Building Societies ' Association ( BSA ) was able to operate a system of ‘ recommended ( interest ) rates ’ , a form of cartel which would have been illegal for public companies .
13 The modus vivendi was not signed , but it was promulgated in January 1948 in the minutes of the Combined Policy Committee so as to avoid reference to Congress or to the United Nations , which would have been necessary for a formal international agreement .
14 Lady Street had returned to what must have been normal for any morning at this time ; the delivery vans had gone , there was sporadic traffic in the one-way street , and people had no time to stand about gawping at the bookshop though they slowed their pace in passing and tried to look in without appearing to do so .
15 This distinction between what would happen and what might happen is crucial for what follows .
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