Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb mod] [verb] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The reasons for failure are more likely to be due to people problems , which may show themselves by the lack of cooperation when the information system is being developed and a resistance to the changes that occur when the application is implemented .
2 As we have seen , such organisations tend to be dominated by formal rules and by committees which may lend themselves to the more autocratic style of leadership .
3 To the men and women who wait in its shadow with the ground rumbling under them and the volcanic ash hiding the sun , it is a terrifying reality which may drive them to the most desperate expedients .
4 Elisabeth Cook 's recent account of the ‘ Querelle des Bouffons ’ shows an extensive political dimension , which should alert us to the nature of associated rhetoric .
5 Note that you may only select approved versions for successful approval ( except for the package module which must select itself at the same issue ) or
6 Some of these were to be offered as votives in the temple 's sanctuaries : others entered a trading network which might take them to the farthest ends of the island or overseas .
7 A tablespoon of bran , which might provide you with the same amount of fibre , is not nearly so nutritious .
8 Now they will be scared rigid of stepping up and saying anything which could land them on the same mat upon which Lamb was so unfairly punished at Lord 's yesterday .
9 There 's something about this matter which could lead us to the gallows or on to the knife of some hired assassin .
10 We used to embrace the comfortable doctrine that the Roman cities of Britain survived as the shells of walled towns — with cathedrals often built within them in the seventh and eighth centuries , but little other semblance of civic life — until English towns were revived in the late ninth century by King Alfred , who enjoyed a vision of urban life which could owe nothing to the English civic scene in which he had been brought up .
11 If a government went back on this assurance there would be no IAEA safeguards which could do anything about the position .
12 But Hoey feels Anderson ( 31 ) , desperately unlucky to be left behind four years ago , has hit the sort of form which could thrust him into the reckoning .
13 Nine days after taking the drug at a friend 's 21st birthday party Rachel , 25 , still has vivid flashbacks which could haunt her for the rest of her life .
14 The objective of the Lausanne conference should be to encourage Kenya and its allies to emulate the conditions pertaining in the Kruger and Hwange national parks , where culling has become a necessity born out of successful conservation , rather than to encourage policies which could turn them into the run-down disaster zones Mr Leakey described .
15 Moreover the young hero was never alone ; he always had a pure process , waiting for him , holding the thread of life which would protect him from the flames and the teeth and the dark belly of the monster .
16 Fiat 's defence lawyers hailed the court 's move as a sensible conclusion which would leave it to the court of appeal to determine whether the four defendants should be tried in another city .
17 Mr John Prescott , the Labour transport spokesman , said BR would lose £3.5 billion of public support by 1993 , which would leave it at the bottom of the international league for support and top for fares .
18 The boy was pictured in a stilled movement that clearly represented the brief moment before he reached out and reached down to pluck the flower , a movement which would topple him over the edge to certain death .
19 ITALY , Scotland 's World Cup rivals , must make do without gifted Juventus playmaker Roberto Baggio today when they seek a victory over Malta which would lift them to the top of the qualifying Group I.
20 The court had been told that Mrs McWilliams had suffered severe brain damage which would affect her for the rest of her life .
21 Otherwise , the right sombrely heroic quality emerges , but the playing of the movement does not grip the listener as the composer surely intended and Leonskaja 's leisurely treatment of the second subject group ( say in the recapitulation at 9′54″ ) lacks the tension which would integrate it into the whole .
22 He would probably do the latter , and hurry through the change of clothes which would prepare him for the half-hour 's weight-training which he did between ten forty-five and eleven fifteen every Tuesday and Friday .
23 Faintly disappointed , she emptied her lungs and resumed the walk which would bring her to the main gate .
24 He extracted Catherine a short while later and turned the car back on the darkened road which would lead them towards the A1 .
25 Mariscotti is a professor of physics at the University of Buenos Aires where he had become intrigued by the fact that the university had an old cyclotron , a primitive atom smasher built in the early 1950s , which would make it among the first half-dozen to have been built in the world .
26 He was not the most welcoming of hosts , alarmed at the thought of what one thousand men and horses could do to his winter 's supplies and forage ; but at least he could tell them that a large mounted party had indeed passed this way two days previously and had turned off out of this main Yarrow valley southwards , to climb by Altrieve to the high pass of Tushielaw , which would take them to the Ettrick valley .
27 He was to give him a part which would take him into the West End a few months after leaving school , write a special role for him in what would be his first film , introduce him to his future wife and , through one of his sons , Brook , provide him with a lifelong younger ‘ brother ’ .
28 Less than a year later he was embarked on a career which would take him from the industrial grime of Taibach into films and on to the West End with hardly a pause for breath .
29 Walking up three steps , she was soon in the foyer of the block of apartments she 'd set out to find , and pressing the button in the lift which would take her to the top floor .
30 This was a Monday night and the early show of a week 's run in a tour which would take her round the Eastern States , and hopefully into New York for the spring of 1913 , that is if audiences took to her in this first week .
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