Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb mod] [verb] [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is the education officer 's job to inform the colleges of likely numbers for enrolments in the coming session and to ensure that students are suitably informed about enrolment procedures , which may mean holding a special meeting — perhaps at a college .
2 Apart from the finds , these represent all that is left of the excavated site , and so are extremely important ; they also represent the investment in the excavation from a financial point of view , which may have cost a considerable amount of money , and it is therefore usual to duplicate them , storing one copy far away from the original records in case of accidents .
3 The reader will probably object that a hideous primal trauma of parricide and rape is all very well for purposes of explaining the subsequent guilt and neurotic inhibitions of the perpetrators of these ghastly crimes , but can hardly hope to explain how they succeeded in transmitting their new-found superegos to their children , and certainly will not explain how , when all the primal fathers were gone ( a process which may have taken a considerable period of time admittedly , but which must have happened eventually ) , when there were no more primal parricides to be procured , human societies could still construct their civilization on the acquisition of the superego .
4 Our data were subject to several constraints : a far lower response rate from probation officers in the second survey ; the effects of changes in agency policies and practices during the two survey years ( e.g. medics ' notifying practices , police detection efforts/successes ) ; the ‘ loss ’ of some users identified in the first survey , and of some new users , to institutions and agencies not covered by the research ( e.g. custody , rehabilitation units , drug agencies in adjacent areas ) ; disillusionment with some agencies among heroin users ( particularly medical services ) , which may have produced a higher ratio of unknown to known users than in the previous year ; the optimistic assumption of 20 per cent annual outcidence-for instance , one review of follow-up studies of opioid users suggests that outcidence after one year is typically around 10 per cent , and may only reach 40–50 per cent after ten years , even for those who have received ‘ treatment ’ ( Home Office 1986 , ch. 7 ) ; and the decline in the size of the youth population , due largely to the drop in the birth rate during the 1960s-that is , the absolute number of known heroin users could decrease while the rate per 1,000 youths remained the same or even increased ( the population figures from which our prevalence rates were calculated derived from 1981 Census statistics , and do not take into account projected trends ) .
5 This is a very brief overview of some of the aspects of Homoeopathy and a view of the world which may help to shed a little light on what is happening with a person 's health .
6 Here are two rules which may help to plan a forced win .
7 These included care of the mentally ill ( which then also included the elderly with mental disability ) — these categories which should have received a bigger slice of the cake , actually received a smaller percentage of health board funding during the funding period from 1981–82 to 1985–86 .
8 The press-gang gave politicians an effective method of giving a very real service to the parties more directly concerned , and it was one which should have created a lasting sense of obligation , for life before the mast in one of His Majesty 's ships was not likely to be easily forgotten .
9 In an attempt to learn as much as possible from the capsize of the Herald of Free Enterprise the Treasury Solicitor has asked questions which should help to prevent a similar disaster ever recurring .
10 When , ten years later , neighbouring Norfolk set afoot proposals to follow suit , its two MPs were petitioned by the small-holders and labourers of the hundreds concerned to use their influence to prevent : that imprisonment of our persons , that separation from our children , that destruction of our race , that loss to the kingdom , and that curse from the Almighty which must attend establishing a poor house upon the specious fallacy of providing for our comfort , by the breaking of our hearts .
11 It was a strange situation , which must have made a lasting impression on Richard , who was more than usually close to his mother .
12 There are the rare cases , as with the bronze and brass Etruscan statuettes described above , where a few moments spent performing a surface analysis can unequivocally solve a problem , which might have remained a stylistic conundrum for ever .
13 Mrs Thatcher 's gamble , which might have caused a huge crisis and the fall of the government , came off triumphantly .
14 On the other hand , there were steps which de Gaulle might have taken in 1944 – 46 — steps which might have produced a better outcome on the ( to him ) all-important issue of the constitution and might also have bolstered his popularity .
15 When Myra was regressed she was unable to come up with anything which might have had a distressing effect upon her before the incident with her cousin .
16 An entrenched and intransigent defence of regional customs was a binding force , especially at times of crisis , which could serve to unite a heterogeneous nobility .
17 This ‘ civilising mission ’ both endorsed legislation which could help create a physical and institutional environment in which undesirable working-class habits and attitudes would be deterred ( as long as it was not too expensive ) , and encouraged private philanthropy , which could undertake active propagation of a new moral code .
18 By stripping the Volta scheme of all the ancillary facilities which could have stimulated a Ghanaian industrial revolution , Kaiser and Reynolds succeeded in creating the conditions for one of the most prosperous aluminium smelters in the world … at what was then the lowest power rate in the world .
19 Only if the government of the day was prepared to fund an idea which could have secured a new source of energy , and helped revitalise a region , would the barrage dream have become a reality .
20 ONE OF Czechoslovakia 's most prominent dissidents , Stanislav Devaty , has gone underground rather than face an appeal hearing which could have confirmed a 20-month jail sentence .
21 The massive sub-structure implies an upper floor or a sequence of floors which could have comprised a substantial house .
22 It should be noted that the definition of credit broker under the SGA 1979 , SOGIT 1973 and the SGSA 1982 refers to a person acting in the course of a business of credit brokerage and effecting introductions of " individuals " which would appear to exclude a registered company as a single consumer ( see s189(1) of CCA 1974 ) .
23 From the discussions that I have had with those groups and from some statements that I have received — I do not want to go into detail because they were confidential — I am confident that a solution could have been found which would have formed a reasoned consensus for those groups , for the interests that they represent and for the House .
24 After discreet soundings , they prudently abandoned the idea , which would have involved a major encroachment upon judicial independence .
25 Taking my situation instanced earlier , the event ( of a cheque which would have caused a negative balance ) and its context ( a good credit history over 20 years , small mortgage in relation to the property value and an otherwise steady income ) could have been exploited as clear marketing opportunities .
26 Even broken sets can fetch large sums , and a complete bound run is likely to cost the buyer anything up to £4,000 , which would have gone a long way to paying Ackermann 's army of workmen .
27 Instead of the blue uniform , which sat well on his big frame , he was sporting a hideous shirt patterned with palm trees and his plump buttocks were compressed into a pair of fawn slacks , the cut of which would have flattered a slimmer figure but was less than kind to his own .
28 A FINE AIRCRAFT , which would have made a good strategic bomber .
29 I suggest that the discrepancy between the climate modelling results which indicate seasonal temperature extremes , and the increasing body of geological information documenting a temperate climate , may be explained by the fact that the palaeogeography used in the models does not take into account the existence of these lakes and rivers , which would have had a major influence on the regional climate .
30 Carol and Mark were ever loyal and proud of their mother , while Denis had a role which would have dismayed a weaker man .
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