Example sentences of "[Wh det] [was/were] [adv] [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Operations support superintendent Barry Edwards takes on the added responsibility for those functions which were previously carried out by production branch .
2 As in the earlier books , the bravura set-piece dominates , and the most memorable concerns the crates in which the Portuguese have packed up their belongings , and which were eventually shipped out of Africa — Kapuscinski was to stumble on a few of them in Portugal , sunk , as it were , in the sand .
3 As an instance , carriage doors which were formerly framed up in the body shop and then transferred to the finishing shop for the fixing of the interior lining , afterwards being sent to the polishing shop to be french polished and finally returned to the body shop for fixing in position , were now dealt with by an altogether different method .
4 Casual thefts , which were increasingly carried out for beef , accounted for a minority of stolen cattle except in districts where there was no organized stealing .
5 More study needs to be made of garden buildings and structures in later Victorian and Edwardian town gardens , which were often laid out on an elaborate scale and contain interesting features that have been entirely forgotten ; these are in danger of destruction as the gardens of suburban houses are divided up for redevelopment .
6 A crooked locksmith is believed to have made copies of the keys which were then smuggled back into the ‘ escape-proof ’ jail .
7 He was aware that famous players of those roles had developed their own ways of interpretation and tricks , which were then handed down from generation to generation .
8 Walking back through the jungle I thankfully did n't come across any trap-door spiders but as dusk fell I was entranced by a cluster of trees which were suddenly lit up like Christmas trees by the thousands of glow-worms out for a night of passion .
9 Black people can be denied eligibility by rules which were originally drawn up for completely different purposes ; property let to ethnic minorities tends to be of lower quality than that allocated to the white population ; and black families , which tend to be larger , may not find council accommodation which is large enough for their needs ( Brown , 1984 ) .
10 The alleged plot was said to have consisted of five so far unsolved supermarket killings in which 28 people died and which were apparently carried out by a clandestine right-wing movement to discredit the state [ see also p. 34893 ] .
11 Dodman was driving a van which was being loaded with the stolen property which was later traced back to the burglary at Victoria Wines .
12 LEFT The first Opera House in the Haymarket , London , which was later burnt down in 1789 .
13 It was thus able to draw on the large reservoir of latent discontent among Liberals and the intellectuals which had been only slightly touched by the problem of unemployment and which was completely cut off from the syndicalist traditions of working class militancy in the previous decade .
14 A local councillor is claiming tonight that the chemical works which was completely burned out in one of the region 's biggest fires for decades , had been a fire risk for some time .
15 Not only was it rare to visit clients ' premises , but the ‘ audited ’ accounts produced usually contained an amount for stock which was simply plucked out of the air by the client .
16 The Esix product is claimed to unify all major versions and derivatives of Unix such as System V.3.2 , Berkeley Software Distribution 4.2 and 4.3 and Microsoft Corp 's Xenix , which was also handed over to Santa Cruz a year or three back .
17 They should be reminded that the major investors coming into Ogwr borough , and Bridgend in particular , were Ford of Bridgend , which was brought in under Jim Callaghan 's Labour Government , and the Japanese company , Sony , which was also brought in by a Labour Government .
18 Out went a Tropicana which was soon joined by about fifty free offerings and back on the buzzer the rod went while I returned to my seat .
19 Risk ran riot at La Cinq , which was finally switched off after being beaten by losses of more than £100m and shareholders ' refusal to throw any more good money on to its airwaves .
20 So as to keep a fair balance , invitations were also given to all other parties contesting the by-election , only one of which was finally taken up by the Scottish National Party , about a week later .
21 With the return to market relations for the bulk of the economy there also arose the need for a stable currency ; this was effected over the next few years with the introduction of a new , gold based rouble , alongside the paper Soviet rouble which was finally driven out of circulation .
22 He later asked Scott to design a suburb of working-class housing , known as Akroydon , near Halifax , which was eventually taken over by Scott 's former pupil W. H. Crossland .
23 A mystery surrounded his death which was assiduously played up by the media in suggesting every kind of melodramatic possibility , the favourite being that poor Hugh Gaitskell had been stabbed with the sharp ferrule of an umbrella , the end of which had been treated with some poisonous concoction .
24 The result was the meaty and woolly Southdown sheep , whose extensive use kept the local downland primarily as pasture , unlike chalkland elsewhere , which was largely given over to the plough in the later eighteenth century .
25 The notion of a tenancy from year to year , the lessor binding himself not to give notice to quit , which was once thrown out by Lord Mansfield , has been long exploded .
26 On one level , whilst the rhetoric of such intervention is often that of the free market , the logic seems to differ little from that of social engineering and regional policy which was commonly thought out of fashion and eschewed in such circles over ten years ago .
27 The rest seemed somewhat vacuous , in particular the endless miserable pursuit of Paradise Lost which was continually played out in forays into the Seventies .
28 Moreover , not very many of their sculptural portraits have survived ( only a few over a hundred for the three centuries after Alexander ) , partly because they were often made of bronze which was readily melted down for re-use .
29 In the normal way a fraternity held an annual social function , after its festival mass , to collect the stock which was forthwith paid over to the churchwardens , less any sum retained for guild purposes .
30 The study reports on the findings of a re-interview survey of employers ' attitudes to the Youth Training Scheme , which was originally carried out in 1984 and repeated in 1985 .
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