Example sentences of "[Wh det] [is] going [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And the conservative group is running the council in the sense that labour has scrambled , obviously over the last few days , to reduce its tax level to something closer to the tories and I 'm going to stand with my fellow liberal democrats tonight and vote for a higher figure because , not only because I think that there 's sort of things we want to do in our budget , are b are b are better and and would be better done than not done , but because I think there 's a fundamental political ethical issue here and it 's one which has been confronting this country for a great many years and which is going to be crucial in the next election .
2 It 's marvellous that the Brighton Corporation came in , but nevertheless the building to perform a function which is going to be useful for the community as a whole has got to be properly funded .
3 Like all commercial businesses British Steel must make a profit and times are hard , but this is cost cutting which is going to be detrimental to our community . ’
4 erm Nonetheless , while we want to carry on supporting that , we 've also got to think , as Jack said , erm of as we enter the next century what is going to be right for our children , and we know that in many ways we have failed them and we know that we are producing many children who have n't had the training and the education that 's going to be necessary for us to be erm economically competent in the future , so we 've got to look at the whole of our educational provision , and frankly I think opting out was erm a sort of unnecessary blip on all of this that is n't really terribly important in the whole issue of how the children in this country should be educated .
5 What is going to be good at solving their problem ?
6 One is that I can be prepared for what is going to be available here sooner or later and so be able to combat it .
7 The the difficulty is knowing what is going to be useful in the future .
8 So the trade lock for this extra transcription is if you do more than , or if you do a lot , erm do the same introduction , but your essay , the body of your essay , erm , can be very short , the body of your essay , erm , about one paragraph only , you 're just going to need to do something quite short , and your conclusion on the insights is what , is what is going to be important .
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