Example sentences of "[Wh det] [is] [verb] is a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 His specific professional concern is to have been with Aspects of Modernism , which is says is a loose name which covers the creative disruption of all certainties about what reading is , what writing is and what words can do .
2 Although the structure which is presented is an ideal — similar indeed to the Ten Commandments , nevertheless in the same way that the Ten Commandments are relevant to our legal system so the principles which underlie the Pentateuch are relevant to economic life — principally because they express universal truth .
3 We agree that what 's needed is a credible , punter-friendly security firm to establish themselves , offering bands and venues a less twisted and psychotic alternative …
4 What 's needed is a new rationale for opening the treasury .
5 They say what 's needed is a big increase in the help and counselling available to those in dire financial straits
6 ‘ The worst thing about cocaine is that once it has exhausted all the dopamine from the brain , then what 's left is a black hole of depression so big and so awful that not all the misery in the world can fill it .
7 What is assumed is an unreal world in which governments would be able to resist the pressures and demands of this union or that business corporation for tariff adjustments to meet particular vested interests .
8 Clearly what is lacking is a single , explicit , cohesive vision of the future which inspires collaboration between professionals , voluntary groups and the sufferers themselves , and which could also drive political action .
9 What is represented is a social object , and anchoring draws the individual into the cultural traditions of the group , whilst at the same time developing those traditions .
10 What is used is a run-down clock generator of the kind often found in electronic dice games .
11 What is envisaged is a simple card and the possibility of inclusion in the new book of common order .
12 Therefore , what is needed is a critical relationship within the story-telling or story-showing within and between the form and the issue .
13 The second point , briefly , is that the white paper has turned its face on the establishment of an environmental protection agency , and independent environment protection agency , and erm , you may feel strongly , I know there was another report that came out just about that time that erm was advocating it , and you may feel that what is needed is a central , independent environmental protection agency .
14 Just as the post-war local government system can be understood as a key element of the social-democratic consensus developed in that period , so it has been argued that ‘ what is needed is a new municipal culture ’ to fit the changed social and economic realities of the late twentieth century ( Walker , 1983 , p. 10 ) .
15 Often problems seem intractable because the same solutions are tried time and time again without success , whereas what is needed is a new approach and fresh thinking .
16 We believe that what is needed is a systematic way of evaluating both the positive contribution made by the presence of an airfield as well as the adverse impact involved .
17 What is needed is a different linguistic model .
18 What is needed is a constitutional
19 This could be due either to the failure of these methods to elevate Ca 2+ in the appropriate manner ( presumably what is needed is a large transient within spines ) or to the need for additional pre- and/or postsynaptic signals .
20 What is needed is a public examination system based outside school , which will act as an incentive , not an inhibition , to curricular reform , and will as far as is possible assess pupils accurately , without at too early a stage designating some as ‘ non-examinable ’ or beyond the educational pale .
21 What is needed is a lean , muscular , high-turnover stock presented in attractive and imaginative ways …
22 What is needed is a positive Lib-Lab programme with common candidates starting in local and by-elections .
23 What is needed is an adequate route map to enable everyone to find their way around the system ( Bergen , 1975 ) .
24 What is needed is an active campaign to change the law to allow children , accompanied by a responsible adult , into a public house , or certain specified rooms within that public house , at specified times of the day , the rooms and times being agreed by the licensing justices following application from the licensee .
25 It is as if all plans for radical reform ( and it must be remembered that the new media bring about substantial structural reforms to broadcasting ) can not be contemplated ; although , in fact , what is missing is a coherent argument for the preservation of the existing system .
26 What is missing is an appropriate forum to merge the various efforts into a functional and widely acceptable whole .
27 When , for example , a subject fitted with scalp electrodes over the auditory cortex is played a series of brief clicks through headphones and the EEG following each click is averaged so that random fluctuations cancel each other out , what is left is a systematic but complex pattern of electrical waves which is caused by the click in the same way that the waves on the surface of a pond are caused by dropping a pebble into it .
28 What is left is an infinite capacity for mimicry .
29 What is required is a divisional risk premium based upon a clear specification of the key strategic factors which will determine how the projected returns for this division are likely to vary with movements in the economy as a whole .
30 In most cases , therefore , what is required is a good general grasp of the topic .
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