Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb past] [det] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This file , or one identical to it , had emerged the victor of a curious contest at the Exhibition between Turtons ' English Files and a French company which manufactured another brand of file .
2 It is also an area which produced several variations in style from the Pisan school centred on Pisa and Lucca to the work in Florence with its coloured marble facings and the districts further south in Assisi and Rome where contacts with the Lombard style are notable .
3 Immediately afterwards , however , came the Afghanistan invasion , which produced more problems for détente and US-European relations .
4 Caretaker wondered if there was something in the syntax of the Welsh language which made this sort of construction more acceptable in Welsh than it was in English .
5 I had not yet learnt that every German soldier from private upwards had had an elementary political education which made this sort of argument child 's play for him .
6 History teaching had been developing along lines which made more use of reference and local source material , while IS , which involved history , science , geography , and religious education ( RE ) , had been concerned with providing greater primary/secondary continuity in the first-year curriculum , and with developing , through an interdisciplinary base , essential learning skills .
7 The practitioners of different disciplines within the life sciences exploited the general idea of evolution in different ways , some of which bore little resemblance to Darwin 's own approach .
8 Denison 's use of glass-fibre mouldings , a technique previously employed at St Paul 's House to replace the original stucco facade , was an innovative solution which created some debate among purists at the time .
9 Paneth was a keen traveller , an interest which provided many opportunities for photography .
10 Paneth was a keen traveller , an interest which provided many opportunities for photography .
11 By 1837 he had ceased acting as a certifying surgeon , which involved some conflict of interest .
12 She began by rewriting the syllabus to bring it in line with GCSE , which involved some reduction in content .
13 In Rasbora Ltd v JCL Marine Ltd [ 1977 ] 1 Lloyd 's Rep 645 Lawson J held that a clause in a contract for the sale of a motor yacht which excluded all liability in respect of defects could not be relied upon when an electrical fault resulted in the total loss of the boat within 27 hours of delivery .
14 These variations were so great that he questioned the applicability of formulae which used this approach to sampling .
15 He also planned the issue of a debased silver coinage , which caused much hardship in Ireland and was finally withdrawn in 1603 .
16 But it was the rise over and above the increase in real incomes which caused most grief for inflation and the payments balance .
17 A small battery-powered fan whirled the smoke away and generally tried to stir up the humid air which played such havoc with Ellen 's precious books in their orange-crate shelves .
18 The Labour Party and the Fabian Society both published pamphlets on educational reform which acknowledged this strand of thought while not totally accepting it .
19 The process was very gradual , but the evolution from an essentially contractual relationship between king and magnates to one which acknowledged some form of sovereignty ( superioritas ) had taken place by the end of the thirteenth century .
20 I also wanted to get a rhythm through the work which portrayed some kind of dance .
21 Chief among other trench weapons were grenades and trench mortars , which fired several types of shell , shrapnel , incendiary and gas among them .
22 It was the only chemical from all those which showed any potential for cancer treatment .
23 Although it was Church who originally proposed the use of ‘ pinches ’ and ‘ scoops ’ for measuring out the components of salt-sugar solutions for the purpose of oral rehydration , it was BRAC which adapted this method for use by the people of Bangladesh .
24 The exact meaning of the word in relation to the status of the early civitas capitals is also still unresolved , but it is at least clear that we are dealing with a unit which enjoyed some measure of self-government .
25 Given trust as a first condition , the changes which followed each stage of review , assessment and evaluation came more easily — even if it did mean that some criticisms had first to be voiced and discussed ( JM Dobson conversation , 1990 ) .
26 In fact , there were only five which displayed these kinds of stereotypes : e.g. NEW ATTACK BY FREED SEX PEST ; VILLAGE IN FEAR OVER SEX BEAST ; CHILD SEX BEAST JAILED ; GIRLS ' BEDROOM SEX PEST ; PERVERT RAN CLUB FOR KIDS .
27 In its earlier opinion on the International Status of South West Africa the Court had emphasised the status of the Mandate as ‘ the sacred trust of civilisation ’ , which outweighed any principles of treaty law .
28 Three out of the five LEAs in the writer 's sample had developed arts programmes which included this type of teacher .
29 There are moves to reintroduce public service broadcasting which lost all credibility under Pinochet 's dictatorship .
30 To legitimise their activities in Lebanon , the PLO could point to the 1969 Cairo agreement , a dubious document drawn up in Egypt between Arafat and the Lebanese army commander which permitted any Palestinian in Lebanon ‘ to participate in the Palestinian revolution ’ and to assist in guerrilla operations by safeguarding ‘ the road to the Arkoub region ’ , the great volcanic escarpment in south-east Lebanon that was now largely controlled by Arafat 's Fatah gunmen .
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