Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb past] [be] [verb] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 It was decided that Joan should telephone Alexander Atkins at a number which he had given to Derek and which had been discovered to be that of the police station at Dysart .
2 This is despite a major reduction in the proportion of calls performed by deputising services , the use of which had been said to be the main factor increasing the numbers of night visits .
3 Indeed , one of the first die links ever published drew attention to the surprising use of the same die on two coins which had been thought to be of different mints .
4 He had come to supervise the slaughter of one of the nuns ' flocks which had been found to be infected with Salmonella typhimurium .
5 Here — ’ And he handed her the lamp , which had been designed to be portable .
6 Once the post-revolutionary fervour had simmered down and the revolutionaries had become convinced of their victory over Keynesianism , questions started to be asked as to why , from 1936 onwards , so many of their august mentors , some of whom had won Nobel Prizes , had subscribed to a point of view which had been shown to be so palpably erroneous .
7 According to Committee secretary Nigel Peace , the finalised version of the report , which had been expected to be issued in October , will not now appear until the end of November at the earliest : this makes the original proposed deadline of 31 December 1992 for compliance with the code too tight for companies to meet .
8 This of course was also a severe blow to the emerging Labour Party and again the politicians had to try to restore what had been understood to be the position by passing the Trade Union Act 1913 .
9 It transpired rather late in the planning of Overlord that what had been thought to be beaches of hard sand actually had bands of exposed clay .
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