Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb past] [be] [vb pp] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The formal support came from the Signet Office , which had been given definite shape in the fifteenth century .
2 The resolution , which had been given provisional approval on Tuesday night , declared the Congress 's support for fundamental economic reform and pledged there would not be a return to the Communist administrative-command system .
3 A United States bill prolonging the provisions of the US aid and development programme known as the Caribbean Basin Initiative ( CBI ) which had been given legislative expression in the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act of 1983 [ see pp. 31565-71 ; 32622 ; 33849-50 ] was passed by President Bush on Aug. 20 , 1990 .
4 A letter to a Front soldier from a citizen of Görlitz in late June or early July 1940 undoubtedly spoke for many in stating that , following the ‘ unimaginably great ’ events which had been seen each week in the newsreels , ‘ we will never be able to thank the Führer and brave army enough for sparing us at home the horrors of war ’ , and that an ‘ immensely great ’ future awaited Germany ‘ in the construction of Europe after the final victory ’ .
5 The sun , which had been hidden all day , broke through the cloud at the very moment that Bill fell tail first into a peat hole filled with boggy water and could n't get out .
6 We had returned our robes to Messrs Ede & Ravenscroft and followed her down to the huge marquee which had been erected opposite University House .
7 Justice Minister Kobie ( H. J. ) Coetsee announced on March 22 that the ban on unauthorised political and protest meetings without written permission from a magistrate , which had been renewed each year since 1976 , would lapse on March 31 .
8 On Dec. 23 two Palestinians were shot dead and more than 40 injured during fresh unrest in the Gaza Strip , the borders of which had been opened that day for the first time since the abduction of Toledano .
9 The meal was organised around the char which had been caught that afternoon , and Hope was touched at the extravagant praise lobbed his way for the provision of the excellent fish .
10 This consisted of a milk bottle filled with water to which had been added some lemon juice , and four rounds of Vienna bread , which should have contained beef , but it had run out .
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