Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb past] [prep] [det] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In the background to this central theme in his thought lie two major influences upon him which interacted with each other and with the impulses derived from Kant .
2 This may be compared to the total inflow of Japanese portfolio investment in the UK over 1986 Q1–1989 Q2 which amounted to some £23.2bn and total foreign inward investment of close to £50bn .
3 Hair combings from her brush went at once into hiding — a small stoup , designed for Holy Water , concealed their rather sordid twirls — in accordance with the unspoken law that anything ugly should be put out of sight , which applied to more things than hair combings .
4 According to Ibn Hajar , Molla Fenari seems to have ignored a number of invitations to audiences with the sultan , but was finally present at an audience to celebrate the Prophet 's birthday , held , according to al-Makrizi , on Friday 7 Rabi " I. Molla Fenari , who was seated below the shaykh of the Mu'ayyadiyya , Ibn al-Dayri , took no part in the learned debate which occurred at that audience but was later present at a private audience with the sultan , when the two conversed .
5 And she made a little dint in the ground which filled with some water and became a little pool for the snake to drink out .
6 On Jan. 15 the Cabinet approved a plan which called on all groups and individuals voluntarily to hand over small-calibre weapons by mid-March .
7 The Alpha 's ability to delete a whole effect from a patch ( or add another ) is a godsend , and I found it useful to dispense with the equaliser , which worked for some sounds but definitely not for others .
8 Then followed the 4500 , the first ribbing attachment — which worked on some days and not on others ( on the latter I would give up and stop knitting for the day ! ) .
9 Never again was it to be so easy for blunt common sense , which knew in any case that the triumphant world of liberal capitalist progress was the best of all possible worlds , to mobilise the universe on behalf of its prejudices .
10 The problems among the second liners was underlined by the sharp falls which occured in many USM and Third Market shares this week .
11 After what seemed like several hours but was probably only a few minutes , we heard an aircraft approaching , and heads popped up all over the hut .
12 We will never know what happened during that operation because , like most English people , we suffer from excessive politeness with figures of authority and we do n't question or harass them when their explanations seem superficial .
13 If I was born in that period , I would be dead already , and you would n't need to listen to me But if you look at this as far as the medical profession and the insurance profession need each other , what happened to these people when they develop an infective condition ?
14 Exactly what happened between this date and 10 July is not known precisely and it is possible that in addition to the group of six already identified there were other DGSE agents involved .
15 I made it absolutely clear that , when we know precisely what happened in that case and can draw the lessons from it , we shall be willing to learn them and take note of the need for future action , if that is shown to be necessary .
16 The only quantifiable difference between what happened in this country and in Germany during that period is that the Germans produced many more traffic-calming schemes , which I acknowledge are complicated and in many cases quite expensive .
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