Example sentences of "[Wh det] [noun prp] [noun] [vb past] was [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , finally , David Frost asked : ’ I mean in the situation that if you find that those two moves , the tax at 50p and the National Insurance contribution raised £4.5 billion or £4.8 billion ’ — which David Frost said was more than the right hon. and learned Gentleman needed — ’ you would n't adjust what you 're going to do , downwards ? ’
2 In the murky shadows of Hillheads , on a yielding surface which Whitley diehards reckoned was more clarty than claggy , their appetite for a fight soon deserted them .
3 Yet it did not require much imagination to see that it could only be one thing : the so-called " rice-water " fluid from a cholera patient , which Dr McNab claimed was so deadly .
4 The monetarism which Nigel Lawson abandoned was not perfect .
5 It could not be taken along with poor relief , and those with criminal records were excluded ; it was only available at seventy , not sixty ; and it was set at a very mean level , a mere five shillings , below the bare minimum which Seebohm Rowntree calculated was then needed for subsistence .
6 What Dr Ali said was certainly true .
7 What de Gaulle offered was not merely peaceful coexistence between the two halves of Europe , but a dissolution of both blocs and , in their place , the " re-establishment " of a European ensemble , stretching from the Atlantic to the Urals .
8 What de Gaulle wanted was not just a ‘ Europe of states ’ , but one that would both be free from what he believed to be an intrusive and unacceptable American influence , and acknowledge some substantial element of French leadership .
9 Well , let's say clearly about Channel 4 that what Jeremy Isaacs did was quite unique .
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