Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb base] [art] [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 Discuss the important standards which influence the rest of the computer industry .
2 Factors which influence the stability of the combination include the softness of the car and the trailer 's suspension , plus the balance of the trailer .
3 His Observations on the Circumstances which Influence the Condition of the Labouring Classes ( 1817 ) questioned the linkage by Thomas Malthus [ q.v. ] of population growth to increasing wage rates , arguing that the likely age of first marriage and thus birth rates were influenced , not by wage rates or poor-relief practices , but by perceived employment prospects which , paradoxically , were best when wages were low .
4 [ J. Barton , Observations on the Circumstances which Influence the Condition of the Labouring Classes ( ed. and intro .
5 This was more possible on the east and south elevations which adjoin the head of the village street and a public car park access road respectively than it was on the west and south sides .
6 There are video programmes designed to introduce new methods , such as the Silent Way method , which combine an explanation of the approach with examples of groups being taught .
7 Feminist methods frequently situate themselves socially and historically in ways which distinguish the concept of the subject they work with from the one which underpins qualitative psychological methods , and which give these methods a different significance .
8 There is a difference between fully automatic washing machines — which change the nature of the task altogether — and ‘ twin tub ’ machines where the hot wet washing has to be lifted manually into a separate drying compartment .
9 Often the " essence " has been seen in terms which wider study of religions has shown to be too narrow or too idiosyncratic or in ways which undermine the significance of the external forms of religious traditions .
10 Instead of an individual learning to create a language-use within which he can select to mediate his individual feeling , a public language user tends to attach his feelings to social counters or tags which maximize the solidarity of the social relationship at the cost of the logical structure of the communication and the specificity of the feeling .
11 The Welsh Office Education Department is responsible ( and has been since 1970 ) for schools and further and higher education in Wales , but not universities or the qualifications , probation , pay , superannuation or misconduct of teachers , which remain the responsibility of the DES .
12 They may , for instance , be unaware that they are being spoken to unless referred to by name , and they can miss out on humorous incidents which make the rest of the class laugh .
13 Instead they need to find out the rhythms of speech which make the music of the verse work in dramatic form .
14 Anti-condensation and insulation paints contain minute glass spheres which make the surface of the paint warmer to the touch , and so less likely to encourage condensation to form on its surface .
15 The exhibition , which has been coordinated by Turk 's agent , Jay Jopling , with Bipasha Ghosh , comprises ten drawings which explore the theme of the signature of the artist , the traditional confirmation of authenticity .
16 Eden was in the little drawing-room , the smallest of the three saloons which occupy the front of the famous house .
17 The Castillane Restaurant , four bars , all of which recapture the splendour of the Victorian era .
18 They use synthetic materials in ways which suggest a genetics of the non-natural world , as if they have already written nature off .
19 A common strategy to avoid identification involves the removal of variables which provide the location of the individual and to group the geographical variables .
20 In Example 71 the two lower voices have ‘ clanging ’ motifs which evoke the atmosphere of the blacksmith 's forge : Here the ostinatos are unchanging pedal notes , but of course they could be recurring musical designs with changing harmonic potential to give them both a structural and an emotional purpose .
21 However , the animal figures which decorate the body of the vessel are from a genuine figurine mould and therefore in perfect Zapotec style .
22 He gives two possible reasons , both of which involve the repression of the perversions .
23 It is therefore logical that the 1988 UN Convention on International Bills of Exchange should adopt criteria of internationality which involve the form of the instrument rather than the place of business of the parties .
24 Back to erm Locke 's state of nature , as I mentioned erm according to Locke the individual in the state of nature erm has certain rights which involve the enforcement of the law of nature erm and this means that he has legislative and executive authority .
25 Company law has instead focused its attention on the problems created by the second characteristic of corporate enterprise which undercut the ability of the market to regulate the exercise of economic power : the separation of ownership and management .
26 To achieve this he creates a sense of the gap between the speaker and God by contrasting verbs of action which embody a sense of the dynamic power of the love of God to the speaker 's trapped stillness , and then resolves these apparent opposites as he perceives his stillness to be the very condition of the inner movement he desires .
27 He co-authored a paper in which he identified these mountains , which cover a quarter of the island , as an ophiolite , using the word in its modern sense .
28 As the lava cools down further , to a dull red , more and more chilled fragments remain on the surface , and these small particles soon agglomerate together , forming progressively larger plates or rafts which cover the surface of the flow , the hot lava itself only glowing through in the cracks between rafts .
29 Because the outer layer is hard and brittle , any heaving or shifting of the more mobile material deeper down will cause it to break up , providing the clean , sharply-defined angular blocks which cover the surface of the flow .
30 Their resistance lies in the tiny glandular hairs which cover the foliage of the wild potato , but not that of cultivated species .
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