Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb base] [prep] [noun] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 For instance , the intended subjects are boxes of plants which remain in place and do not change rapidly .
2 This is a condensed account of the factors which complicate the business of speaking and listening — readers will easily add for themselves their own accounts of the personal and emotional features which make for vulnerability or call for sensitivity .
3 Arctic char Salvelinus alpinus , which spawn in rivers and fatten in the sea during their fourth and fifth years , capelin Mallotus villosus , which winter in deep water but rise to form huge surface shoals in summer , and arctic cod Boreogadus saida are among the few pelagic , plankton-feeding fish in both polar and subpolar waters .
4 ‘ Sackholders ’ which look like dustbins but lack proper handles which can be grasped are INADEQUATE for loose refuse and MUST NOT be used except to hold tied plastic sacks .
5 Who can be free in this country after the Treason Trials which set behind bars and left to rot … ’
6 Wanting to avoid this pessimistic conclusion , we might instead entertain the idea that these powerful persons commit crimes for ‘ rational ’ — albeit disreputable — motives which emerge under conditions that render conformity a relatively unrewarding activity .
7 Because the total numbers of animals on islands tend to be small , large predators in general find it impossible to exist at all — except , of course , for creatures such as seals and sealions , which feed at sea and come ashore only to breed or bask .
8 After that , the food chains ( see p 110 ) , can be very long ; fish such as sharks feeding upon fish , which feed on fish , which feed on fish that feed on plankton .
9 Sales on some of the apartments , which start from £300,000 and rise to £500,000 in price , have already been agreed .
10 Its discovery was the result of prolonged studies of the microbes which exist in soil and survive by breaking down the remains of plants and animals , and by competition with each other .
11 While this book is primarily about the various methods social workers can develop in work with elderly clients and their families it is necessary to first explore a number of major theoretical issues which bear on practice as follows :
12 Think of those , like McCoist 's second at Ellend Road , which stem from passes that transcend honest British labour .
13 Other family names which come to mind as living in this terrace include Cobb , Welsh , Conduit , Weston , Andrews , Bannell and Godwin .
14 ‘ Like one of the summer hailstorms which come without warning and strip the fruit from the vines .
15 The creative springboard starts with a good client brief and then you dive from there into the pool of ideas and solutions which come from sound and considered thinking .
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