Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb base] [to-vb] [adv] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When I started travelling extensively in trains ( 1966 ) , which tend to go faster for longer than bicycle , car or bus , I could think better .
2 This applies particularly to class sizes which tend to vary dramatically between urban ( high ) and deep rural ( low and uneven ) .
3 One can not be so clear when considering other mosaics which appear to owe much to this manner of arrangement and depiction .
4 Bees and ants have extremely elaborate , highly organized , social systems which appear to get along without any concept-forming medium of communication which is even remotely similar to that of human language .
5 In his influential Le Même et l'autre Vincent Descombes has described the entire history of twentieth-century philosophy in France as a succession of moves which attempt to get out of this Hegelian dialectic : the recent phenomenon of poststructuralism is part of a long philosophical story and distinguished only by what appears to be a certain success , or at least an avoidance of failure to the extent that it has at least managed to keep the game with Hegel in play .
6 However , for databases which fail to come up to that standard a new right to prevent unfair extraction is proposed .
7 The Labour Party insists that self-governing trusts ( hospitals which choose to opt out of health-authority control and manage their own affairs ) are in fact opting out of the NHS altogether ; and that doctors who control their own budgets are going to turn queue-jumping at hospitals into a business practice .
8 Nevertheless , chronic anxiety , in a horse can cause various skin troubles which refuse to clear up with veterinary treatment and antibiotics , but which miraculously disappear when there is a reduction of anxiety .
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